By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,50


“I see that I will have to do this the hard way.”

“Why don’t you just save yourself the trouble and kill me now? I am not turning my back on my God.”

“Fool!” he shouted. “You are weak and simple-minded just like the rest of them. It goes against all logic to serve a God that won’t even defend you – to stay loyal to a country that will never win.”

“He saved me and the others from that tornado spell you threw our way!” she shouted.

“Sanctus is not going to win this war.”

“Then we’ll be honored to die fighting for our God.”

Jalarn shook his head. He slammed his fist into the wall and then walked away, leaving Talya alone in the darkness once again.


Ittonifer tapped his fingers on his desk. His anger grew every time he thought about his nephew. Jalarn should have reported back to him ages ago.

Ittonifer stood and went to his balcony, feeling restless. The boy needed to be reminded of what he had been given.

“My lord.”

Jalarn stood in the entranceway.

“Where have you been?” snarled Ittonifer.

“I’m sorry. I wanted to consult with Aterun first. I have been falling behind in magic.”

“You’re lying. I can tell.”

Ittonifer turned around and punched Jalarn in the stomach. Jalarn grunted, but returned to his upright, rigid position.

Ittonifer punched him again in the same place. This time, Jalarn bent over.

That’s better.

“Forgive me, Uncle.”

“You know that you must always come to me first when you return from a mission. Why did you avoid me?”

“I did not reach the giants in time.”

“That is obvious. Do you realize how important it was that we have them as part of our army?”

“Of course I do, but—”

“Shut up before I cut out your tongue. Edandir has them now. He is going to be gloating over that.”

“We are still going to win,” said Jalarn.

“That is not the point.”

Ittonifer kicked Jalarn in the midsection. Jalarn bent over, and then Ittonifer brought his elbow down between his shoulder blades.

His nephew stumbled to the floor.

“You were also very disrespectful to me back in the valley. Do not forget who is leader of this country. I can strip you of your precious position anytime I want to. If you fail me again, that is what I will do.”

“Yes, my lord. Forgive me.”

“I expect you to make this up to me. Get out of my sight, General.”

Jalarn got up and left the balcony with his head hanging. His cocky expression would not be back for a while.


Jalarn stared blankly at the pool within the magician’s lair. He had a spell to create, but he couldn’t focus. Ittonifer had been furious about the giants joining with Sanctus.

Jalarn had failed twice that week. A general could not afford to do that. The giants would have been a great asset to their army.

But I will not disappoint my uncle again.

Jalarn took a deep breath. He heard shifting footsteps come from behind. It was Aterun.

“If you don’t get rid of that girl, she will poison your mind. When that happens, you will slide backward so fast that you won’t realize it until it is too late.”

Jalarn shook his head. There really were no secrets in that castle.

Aterun knew nothing of the girl’s purpose. Talya had nearly given in to his request to join Malinor. Her lust for power had radiated from her wide brown eyes.

Talya had rescued Jalarn, but what was the real reason? It had to be more than her claim of seeing visions of him as a scrawny kid.

She wants power, and only I can give it to her.

Jalarn nodded. That’s what it was.

“You have to kill her, Jalarn. Whatever adolescent notion you had about recruiting her is…”

Jalarn held up a hand, trying as hard as he could to keep himself from throttling the old man.

“Aterun, stay out of my affairs. It is because of you that I haven’t been up to par. I am general of this empire. You don’t tell me what to do.”

“I’m warning you about that girl for your own good. Ittonifer doesn’t keep his enemies alive. You know that,” said Aterun.

“I’m not my uncle, am I?”

They glared at one another for a moment.

“The reason that I came down here was to create a spell so destructive that Ittonifer would forget about my failing in Hunter Forest.”

“I can help you cast one before the battle that will have Ittonifer salivating. There is nothing that he hates more than a traitor, and there is a very interesting enchantment that we can cook up. It Copyright 2016 - 2024