Surviving Regret - Megan Smith Page 0,51

and tugs it over his head.

“Stay the fuck away from him, Macy.” Landon seethes.


“But nothing, I’m not fucking around.” He reaches for his sneakers not even bothering to put them on before stomping over to the door and slamming it shut behind him.

“Well, I guess I know how to piss him off when I need to get rid of him,” I mumble to myself before lying back down and going back to sleep.

Just as I think I might sleep, Heather comes over with coffee. I forgive her for coming in because of what’s in her hand. “Morning, sunshine.”

I grumble as she sits down on the bed and take the coffee. It’s warm and exactly what I need.

She hands me her phone. “I have video footage from last night.”

“Oh, God,” I nearly choke on my coffee. “Is this like that movie Hangover?”

“No,” she smiles handing me the phone. “It’s better. Especially at one minute, twenty-three seconds into your lap dance where you go to whip your head around and nearly knock out Will.”

“Will?” I press play.

It’s all there.

All of it.

I gave Will a lap dance in front of the entire party. I gave fucking Will a lap dance!

“You broke Will’s glasses by the way.”

I place my coffee cup on my nightstand and pull the covers over my head officially embarrassed.

“You don’t find that the least bit funny?” Heather says while laughing.

“Get out,” I grumble from beneath the covers.

She’s laughing so hard now she snorts. “Just wait till you see him in class. I bet he’s gonna have tape holding them together.

I yank the covers off and push Heather out of my room and lock it behind her. I’m never leaving my room again.

October 31, 2013

I’m sitting in class as another wave of nausea washes over me. That’s the second time today. Heather and I went out to Studio One Café for breakfast this morning and as soon as the waitress set the plate of French toast down in front of me I stood up, knocking my chair over, and ran to the bathroom. I never did get sick but my stomach never settled enough for me to even eat. I left poor Heather at our table to eat by herself while I walk around outside. I couldn’t even stand the sweet smell of syrup in the air of the café.

My period is two weeks late. I’m scared shitless. I have no one to talk to about this and that isn’t helping me at all. Yeah, I could talk to Heather, she knows more about my life right now than my own twin sister does but I’m afraid. I feel like I barely fit in now as it is and if I am pregnant I’ll feel like I have a sign on my back that says outcast for sure. Or people will say I got pregnant on purpose because Landon will go pro for sure. I’m not telling Landon because of the drugs I took a few days ago. He will freak the fuck out if he even speaks to me after I tell him I could possibly be pregnant. Will he even believe that it’s his? Probably not, but I know it is. I’ve never been with anyone else.

I glance up to the clock, twenty minutes until this lecture is over. I sit back in my seat and rub a hand over my stomach begging the feeling to just go away. I thought seeing Will shortly after I gave him a lap dance would be awkward, well more awkward than normal, but it wasn’t. He asked for another one. For a brief second I forgot about my problems. And here we sit in this never-ending lecture while I’m feeling like death warmed over.

Will leans over in my direction, careful not to bring attention to us. “You okay? You don’t look so hot?”

I give him a pointed look. So, not only don’t I feel well, I don’t look well either. Just fucking great.

The corner of his lips pulls up, “Well, you always look hot.” His cheeks flush. “Just not right this second.”

I stare blankly at him for a few seconds letting him squirm in his seat before letting him off the hook.

“I, uh, I…” Will stumbles with his words. He thinks he offended me.

I giggle, “I’m just kidding with you, Will.” He visibly relaxes. “I don’t actually feel too well. I must have eaten something last night that isn’t sitting well with me.”

“Yeah, probably.” He looks toward the professor before meeting my Copyright 2016 - 2024