Sucker Punch (First Fangs Club #3) - Kristen Painter Page 0,64

her is a good idea. In fact, I don’t want to overstep, but I think your decision to be honest about your ability is something we should all discuss. At least you, me, Temo, and Pierce. It affects us too, in that we’re around you and if you become a target, we could become collateral damage.”

Donna nodded. “You’re right. Text everyone and have them come to the conference room in an hour. I want Cammie there and also Jerabeth. She’s part of the team, and she already knows, so we might as well include her. Although she may not feel like coming back for the meeting. We could just telecom her in. That would be fine.”

“I’ll work it out.”

“Thank you. Now, speaking of funerals. What are the plans for honoring Artemis? I’m assuming it’s going to be a major event.”

Charlie shrugged. “Vampire memorials don’t always work that way. Especially when there’s no body. Anyway, I’m not sure yet. I expect there will be something, but I haven’t heard anything from her deputy, Marcus. Or any of her team.”

“Do you think that’s because they blame me and they don’t want me to be present? Or is it because they haven’t organized anything yet?”

“I don’t think they blame you. More likely they’re all still in shock. Although Marcus isn’t the kind to let grief sway him from his duties. He’s more the kind to soldier through and get everything handled, then collapse. I’ll reach out to them and see what I can find out. I’m assuming you’d like to attend that as well. If there is a memorial.”

“Yes, I would.” Donna glanced toward the armory, her guilt over Artemis’s death still clinging to her with a tenacity that caused her almost physical pain. Maybe it would get better in time, but right now, it felt impossible to shake. She pushed to her feet. “I’m going to talk to Cammie. I’ll see you in the conference room in an hour.”

“One hour.”

Donna headed for the guest rooms, where she hoped to find her sister. She did. Cammie was sitting in a chair by one of the windows, just staring out and looking very much like Donna felt. A little lost and unsure. “Hey. Can I talk to you?”

Cammie looked over, seemingly happy for the distraction. “Sure. Change your mind about letting me stay?”

Smiling, Donna shook her head. “Never. But I need your advice.”

“About what?”

“About what the Venari would do if they found out I could daywalk.”

All traces of amusement left Cammie’s face. “That’s a bad idea. Them finding out.”

Donna sat on the end of the bed. “Why? Tell me specifically what they’d do. Please.”

Cammie took a deep breath. “It would certainly bump you up on their radar.”

“Is that a bad thing? So what if they’re more aware of me? I’m not doing anything wrong.”

“I’m no longer in the Venari loop, but I know they’re not thrilled about the battle that just went down.”

“You said that would happen.” With everything going on, Donna had pushed the consequences out of her mind. “Do you think they’re going to go forward with the kill order?”

“No, but I can only imagine their reaction to how it ended. I mean, two fairly stable supernatural nations have been thrown into leaderless chaos because of you.”

Donna blinked hard. “Hey, now. I haven’t heard about any chaos. And new leaders will be chosen soon.”

“I’m just telling you how the Venari will perceive it. Things were…okay, not good between the vampires and the fae, but it was relatively peaceful. And a known quantity. Now it’s not. Things could change drastically, depending on who takes over for the fae. And the vampires. I’m sure the Venari are watching very closely.”

“Dredward wasn’t exactly Mother Teresa, you know.”

“No, he wasn’t. But Artemis was enough of a pacifist to keep things from escalating.”

“Artemis was a pacifist? She was trying to kill Dredward when she died.”

“I understand that. But as queen, she was perceived as a pacifist, and that’s how she ruled. She kept the peace. And very well too. At the battle, I think she just reached a point where she’d had enough.”

“I know the feeling.” Donna rolled her head back and forth. Maybe a massage would help. Bliss her out long enough to give her a break from the weight of everything she was carrying. But that wouldn’t do anything to alleviate the number of things that still needed her attention. “Can you get me a meeting with the Venari? Someone with enough influence to matter?”

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