Sucker Punch (First Fangs Club #3) - Kristen Painter Page 0,65

But are you really going to tell them you can daywalk?”

“I’m tired of keeping it a secret.” She leaned back on the bed, propping herself up with her elbows. “Have you ever known a vampire who could?”

“I was sent to…dispatch one once.”

“Dispatch. That’s a nice word. Hardly seems death-related at all.”

Cammie frowned. “I was doing my job. And the vampire in question lived in a residential area where several people had gone missing. Once we had irrefutable evidence, that was that.”

“How was this vampire able to daywalk?”

“I don’t know. That wasn’t my job.”

Donna sat up. “But that has to be something the Venari would want to know, right?”

“That’s above my pay grade. Or was. I was just a hunter. You want to know about vampire physiology, you’d have to talk to one of the researchers. That’s who I turned the ashes over to.”

“Then you must know one?”

“I know several, but they won’t have anything to do with me now. When you’re out, you’re out. Talking to me could cost them their positions as well.”

Donna sighed. “Well, that’s no help. Do you know of any other daywalkers?”

“I’ve heard rumors. Again, the Venari would know, specifically the data keepers. But just like the researchers, they won’t speak to me either.”

Donna thought a moment. “How does the Venari keep records?”

“Like any other big organization. On computers. Although they probably do more paper backups than most.”

Donna got to her feet. “I need to talk to Neo.”

“She’s the techie one, right?”


Cammie’s eyes narrowed. “What are you going to do?”

“Probably better if you don’t know.”

“I’m not dumb. You’re going to get her to hack in.”

“I will neither confirm nor deny—”

“Won’t work. Their security is impeccable.”

Donna shrugged. “I’m sure it is. That’s what security is meant to be, after all.” She grinned. “I’ll let you know how it goes. By the way, there’s a meeting in the conference room in forty-five minutes. I’d like you to be there.”

Cammie sighed but nodded.

Donna went back to her bedroom to grab her phone, which she’d left charging on the nightstand, and dialed Neo.

A sleepy voice answered after four rings. “Whassup?”

“Sorry to wake you. I need your help. Well, really, I need you to move closer. Manhattan is too far away.”

“Mm-hmm. Seems that way to me, too, these days. What do you need help with?”

“A computer thing. I don’t want to say more than that on the phone.”

“Oh. Oh.” A little rustling of bed linens. “You want me to come up? I mean, over?”

“Yes, please.”

“Cool. I’ll be there at sundown.”

“Perfect. See you then.” Donna hung up and looked at the time on her phone. Sunset was in less than an hour. There was no way Neo would make it that quickly. Especially when she couldn’t travel during daylight. Whatever. Donna chalked it up to her being sleepy and not thinking straight. Or she was downstairs with Temo again.

Smiling at that thought, Donna called LV.

“Good evening, Governor. Very good to hear from you.”

“Good evening, Alpha Medina. It’s good to be heard from. I was so very sorry to find out that one of your wolves didn’t make it.”

“Thank you. We are in mourning, for sure, but he was a brave man who died in an honorable way. He will be celebrated.”

“That’s good. May I ask how your grandson is doing?”

“Very well. We expect Rico to be released from the hospital this evening.”

“That’s great.”

“How are your injuries, if I might ask? The last I saw of you, you were surrounded by your team and didn’t look well.”

“After two days of rest and care from my doctor, I’m doing pretty well. A little bruised, but then, I’m guessing we all were.”

LV laughed softly. “A small price to pay for Rico’s safe return. And I am not sorry about Dredward’s end, though I am about your queen. Artemis was a fair ruler. Her loss must be very hard on all of you.”

Donna took a breath. “It has been. But vampires have been around since time eternal. We will continue.”

“Any word on her successor?”

“Not yet, no. I’m sure we’ll hear something soon.” Donna didn’t want to delve any deeper into that topic, so she shifted the conversation. “LV, I hope it’s not too forward of me, but I don’t want our collaboration to be a one-time thing. I would like very much if we could consider ourselves permanent allies.”

LV’s voice held a smile. “I accused you of kidnapping my grandson, and not only did you not hold it against me, you orchestrated his successful rescue. Donna, Copyright 2016 - 2024