Sucker Punch (First Fangs Club #3) - Kristen Painter Page 0,63

sense of foreboding went through Donna. “Oh no, don’t tell me he died.”

“No. As you were passing out, you told Temo to take care of him. Which he did, by getting LV to take him in until he could recover. She did, too, probably because of the fae’s assistance in getting Rico back. A bunch of the wolves pulled a tapestry out of the fortress and wrapped him up in it to protect him from the daylight. One of the tapestries that wasn’t on fire, that is.”

“Yeah, I might have started that blaze. But I don’t remember them helping Ishalan at all. I’m very glad that happened, though. Ishalan might not have been as useful as I’d hoped he’d be, but I don’t think that was entirely his fault. Plus, he took on Dredward. I’m not sure I’d have gotten Rico out if Ishalan hadn’t done that. Hopefully, he’ll continue to be an ally.”

“I think he will. A surprising number of the fae surrendered almost as soon as the fighting started.”

“I remember seeing groups of them with their arms over their heads when I came out of the stronghold.” It gave her hope too. “How about Neo?”

“That drone of hers was amazing. She probably took out more fae soldiers than anyone else.”

“Get out of here. Wow! I wish I could give her some kind of award, but she’s not even my constituent.”

“You still could.” Charlie smirked. “But I’m pretty sure she’s about to become one of your constituents rather soon. She and Temo aren’t showing any signs of cooling down. And she’s an hour away. That’s too far when you’re head over heels.”

“Well, I’d be happy to have her closer. What about Kace? He got hit, right?”

“He did, but the blow had no effect. Really, the only casualty on our side was a single wolf. The fae took the brunt of it. Their magic may have allowed them to be out during daylight hours, but they definitely weren’t at full strength. And with the wolves, we outnumbered them.”

“And now Dredward’s dead. What does that mean for them?”

“Much like for the vampire nation, they’ll have to find a new leader. If they haven’t already. I’m sure all the royal ministers are fighting over the throne as we speak.” She shrugged. “I’m sure we’ll hear something soon, but we don’t exactly get a fae newsletter.”

“Right. Everyone else is fine? Pierce? Rixaline? Will’s daughters?”

“All good.”

“That’s a relief.” She slumped back in her chair. “What day is it, by the way? I feel like I’ve lost track.”

Charlie laughed. “It’s Wednesday. Almost 6 p.m. now.”

“Did I miss the funeral for the wolf? I’d like to send flowers. Actually, I’d like to attend. Not just to pay my respects, but to show LV and Toni that our joint effort wasn’t just a one-time thing.”

“It’s tomorrow morning. But a vampire out in daylight, no matter how worthy the cause, will raise eyebrows. You’ll have to use the potion excuse again.”

Donna shook her head. “No. I’m not lying anymore. I don’t care who knows that I’m immune to the sun. When I said I was done, I meant it.”

Chapter Twenty-two

“Governor, you know that could put you in danger.”

“Charlie, I’ve been governor barely three weeks, and I’ve already been shot, stabbed, and poisoned twice. Maybe if word spreads that I can daywalk, it’ll instill a little fear into the next yahoo that wants to take a crack at me. Because a vampire who can daywalk isn’t nearly as vulnerable as one restricted to evening hours.”

Still looking rather unsure, Charlie sighed. “You’re not wrong.”

“I hope not, because I’m tired of being thought of as an easy target. Being new doesn’t help that. Look how Fitzhugh treats me. Has any other vampire come out as a daywalker?”

“Not any governor that I know.” Charlie frowned. “There have been rumors of daywalkers but never a vampire who was really known for it. Outside of Astrid. But I think she’s more of a legend than a real vampire. Hard to say.”

“Who’s she?”

“A Viking shield maiden who was supposedly unkillable. This led to the belief that she was a daywalking vampire.”

“I see. If she was unkillable, is she still alive?”

“No one’s sure. If she is, she’s changed her name and reinvented herself. Happens a lot in the vampire world. Being the same person gets old after a few centuries.”

Donna sat up straighter as a new thought came to her. “I bet Cammie would know about daywalkers. Considering her former profession and all.”

Charlie nodded. “Talking to Copyright 2016 - 2024