Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,60

I reach up and cup her face running my thumb across her cheek a few times then skirting it down her neck, between the valley of her breasts, over her flat stomach and rest my hand on the bottom on her shorts.

Layla follows my lead but takes it a step further by unbuttoning mine. She dips her fingers into the waist band and starts to tug down. I lie back and lift my hips to help her as she climbs off. She discards them on the floor and climbs back on the bed right between my legs. I try to reach for her but she places my hands to the side. She looks up to me with sweet wide innocent eyes.

Layla is weighing her options on her next move. She knows she can’t go back now but she knows that I’ll take the lead if she wants. I guess the braveness wins out as she slowly lowers her face down and the tip of her tongue comes out tasting me.

Jesus…I’m not going to last long. I lasted longer when I lost my virginity but this is sweet torture. I hiss at the contact of her warm tongue. Layla does it again watching me this time then gradually opens her mouth wide taking me inside. My hands fist the blankets trying like hell to let her run this show. With her warmth enveloping me, her tongue makes circles around the tip at first then takes a little bit more of me. My dick hardens even more. Her tongue continues the blissful assault once more and then she’s taking me all the way into her mouth until I’m reaching the back of her throat.

I can’t help it, my hips jerk up causing her to gag but she doesn’t stop. She pulls back just a little then does it again. I let her do it a few more times before sitting up on my elbow and pulling her so that I can kiss those fucking lips.

She jerks me off as our tongues collide together. I groan when she picks up the pace. Layla breaks the kiss smirking like she knows she’s about to push me over the edge. She leans back down taking me into her mouth again letting me help by pumping my hips into her mouth. At this pace, I have to change course otherwise this will be zero to sixty in two point three seconds flat.

Moments later, not being able to handle another second, I pull her down on the bed beside me. I make quick work of removing her shorts and tossing them on the floor before settling between her legs. I place one of her legs over my shoulder and push the other to the side. I can smell her desire and it’s making my head hazy. With my finger I gently run it down her seam circling her entrance careful not to push into her. I open her up, and flick my tongue against her clit. It’s a taste that hits me straight in the balls and makes me lose my fucking mind. I lick her clean as she pulls hard on my hair calling my name over and over again.

I can’t wait anymore. I need to be inside her. “Condom?”

She shakes her head. “On the pill.”

Fuck! I never do this without a condom but I don’t want to stop what we have here either. “I have some upstairs. I’ll be right back.”

She pulls me down, kissing me, tasting herself on me. “I’m clean. I haven’t been with Brian in months and I’ve been tested since then.” She pumps me once, twice, my legs are shaking.

I take a deep breath, “Are you sure? I’m clean too but they’re just upstairs.”

“I’m okay with it as long as you are.”

I throw caution to the fucking wind. “Fuck it.”

I roll onto my back pulling her on top of me. She laughs reaching down for my cock as she lowers herself down. Her laughter fades away as I slide into her. “Ahh…”

It’s hot, it’s tight and it’s almost too much. I close my eyes, finding my senses. It’s her show; let her do this her way.

Layla’s moans fill the room as she rides me, up and down, slow and hard. Her legs start to shake and sweat beads on her forehead. Slowly she slides her hand down and circles her clit.

Her show has ended and mine begins now.

I grip her hips, pushing her up, and pulling her down faster and harder Copyright 2016 - 2024