Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,61

than before while she cries out as her orgasm floods her. Layla’s head falls forward, eyes squeezed shut tight and her breath catches. As she comes back down I lay her on her side in front of me spreading her legs as I enter her from behind. Reaching around her I grab one of her nipples, pinching and pulling as I slowly slide in and out of her.

Layla’s hair is sweaty around her face, her cheeks are flushed and she has this hazy look over her eyes. She reaches for my hand and links our fingers together then puts her other arm around my neck pushing her body down every time I push up into her. Minutes later her body flushes just before she yells out my name, “Eli,” as another orgasm washes over her.

Slowing down the pace I keep moving, in and out. Layla rubs her clit again sparking the fire once more. I flip her onto her stomach pulling her hips up so her ass is in the air and slip right back inside with ease. I slam into her hard making her cry out, “Oh!”

I keep the rhythm of slamming in hard and pulling almost all the way out slowly. Layla leans up on her arms and arches her head back. I run one of my hands up her back and grab a fist full of her hair. I can barely breathe at the sight before me.

“Oh fuck,” Layla pants. “Oh God.”

Her arms give out and she lays her head back on the bed as I continue to devour her body. I’m getting close, so close, but I don’t want this to end so I’m holding out.

“Oh, yes…” she moans, “Yes, just like that.”

Layla’s arm reaches between her legs but not stopping until she finds my balls and lightly cups them in her palm. “Fuck,” I hiss.

I’m so damn close. I start to lose myself as she tugs. “Damn!”

Layla lets go sensing my release is close. She leans up on her arms again, tilts her head back, her back a perfect arch, her hair hitting just above her ass. I let my hand slide up her back, over her shoulder to her neck, where I reach around to softly squeeze careful not to crush her airway. I kiss her forehead while my movements start to get jerky and seconds later I’m pulling out and coming all over her ass.

“Holy shit,” Layla says breathlessly. “That was fucking amazing.”

I chuckle, falling down beside her trying to catch my breath too. “Yeah?”

She turns her head in my direction. “Yeah, let’s do it again.”

I laugh now. “I need at least fifteen minutes.”


Laughing still I climb off the bed, walk into the bathroom across the hall from her room, to get her a towel. When I return she has this sleepy look in her eyes. I toss her a towel to clean up and do the same to myself.

I reach for my discarded boxers.

“What are you doing?”

Smiling, “Getting dressed.”

Layla pouts. “You said fifteen minutes and I agreed to ten.”

I sit on the bed next to her. “You’ll be sleeping in ten.” I wink at her.

She pats the empty spot next to her. “Stay for me?”

I can’t say no to her, especially not after that. I slide into bed beside her and she crawls herself around my body.

“Thank you for getting my mind off my mom and sister.” She says entwining our fingers together.

Layla’s phone beeps before I even get to say you’re welcome. She leans over me to her phone that was tossed on the floor.

“They’re on their way home.”

As fucked up as it may have been for her mom to show up today I’m glad that Layla and I got to spend a little alone time together. We’ve finally taken another step, a long awaited one, in our relationship.

She snuggles down into my arms. “Are you okay?” I don’t know what I am really asking about because there are so many things that happened today. Her mom showing up, Fallon hanging out with her alone, all the shit her mom dropped on her today, or even the amazing sex we just had.

“Yeah.” She lifts her head up. “I…uh…”

I’ve stopped breathing. I think I know what’s about to come out of her mouth. Those three words that make my heart hammer against my chest. I’ve been teetering on saying the same ones now for a few weeks but it never seemed like the right time. I’ve never said them to another person Copyright 2016 - 2024