Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,59

There is a strip of skin on her back that is exposed. I’m dying to reach over and run my fingers across it. Layla glances over and catches me eyeing her. Her nose is sprinkled with little sun freckles. She’s so fucking beautiful.

Layla lets go of her legs and then she straddles me. “Why are you looking at me like that? You’re giving me butterflies.”

I sit up a little straighter so that I can put my arms around her. “I want to kiss you.”

“What are you waiting for then?”

And just like that, her playfulness is back and that face that her mother has resurfaced out of her is set aside. I lean in to kiss her lips and linger for just a minute before trailing kisses down her jaw. I reach her collar bone and bite down before soothing it with my tongue. Her breathing has picked up and her hips start to roll in small circles.

“Can we go home?” She asks breathlessly.

I nod but not before nipping at that one sensitive spot on her neck that makes her go crazy.

“Now, please?” She begs.

I chuckle reaching for her hips helping her up. “Let’s go.”

We walk back to my car hand in hand. The drive is quiet but we only let go of our hands to climb into the car. When we get to our place it’s quiet. Fallon is still with her mom leaving just us here alone for just a little while longer.

I toss my keys on the counter, kick my shoes off and then pull my shirt out of my pocket. Layla is biting on her bottom lip watching me. I walk over to her, reach up and release her lip with the pad of my thumb. “Don’t do that.”


She knows it drives me crazy. It’s what she does at Fierce when she wants to tease me.

I have her pinned to the wall behind her lightning fast. Her arms up above her head secured with one of my hands while I let the other travel from the tips of her fingers down to her hip.

“Eli,” she moans.

Goosebumps break out over her body, her nipples harden under the flimsy fabric of her tank top, and she hooks one of her ankles around mine.

“Please?” Layla begs.

“Please, what?” I want her to say it. I want to know if she’s as turned on as I am.

“Take me to my room.”

“And do what?”

Layla whispers. “Make love to me.”

Finally, fucking, finally. I run the hand that had her wrist pinned to the wall down her body before reaching down with both hands and picking her up. She wraps her legs around my body and peppers my neck with kisses. I take the steps slow making this last as long as possible because there is always the option of her telling me goodnight when we reach her room. Her pulling the plug on this is making me anxious. I won’t believe this is going to happen until I’m buried deep in her.

Opening her door I feel for the light switch on the wall. “Leave it.” Layla tells me.

So I do and take the next few steps to her bed. I’ve memorized her room, memorized every little piece of it. She doesn’t have much, a simple picture frame on her night stand with a lamp, a long dresser that is mismatched from the night stand and an older chair in the corner that she mostly sits on when she’s on her computer. Her closet is barely used, only a few things hanging on hangers and two pairs of shoes. Layla is a simple girl or likes simple things.

I release her legs when my knees hit the front of the bed. She slowly slides down but doesn’t let go and I have no choice but to follow her down on the bed. The room is barely lit, just the last few minutes before the sun sets and the darkness takes over.

Rolling to the side of Layla I lean down to place a kiss on her lips. She snakes her arms around my neck. “Stay.”

And there is the word I wanted to hear. I wanted her to tell me to stay here with her and not act like this was a date with a goodnight kiss at the end of it like the way it is most nights.

“You sure?”

She nods. “Yeah.”

I lean down again capturing her lips with mine. I’m not in a hurry now; I know she’s not going to tell me to take a hike. Copyright 2016 - 2024