Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,58

to me and starts rocking back and forth. “When she took off with the money she went on a three-day drinking and drug binge. She said she woke up one morning naked and had no idea where she was. Turns out she was whoring herself out to some truck driver she met off the highway. She talked him into giving her a ride down to Florida; she had to take care of some unfinished business from over twenty years ago.”

Huh. “Could have possibly been your father, maybe?”

Layla shrugs while still rocking. “She wouldn’t tell me. All she said was that he helped her get clean, paid for her rehab and then her plane ticket home.”

That explains why she looked so much better than the pictures. “So what now?”

Layla stops rocking and stares at the TV for a long moment. “She wants Fallon back. She knows it’s too late for me but she wants another shot with her.”

“It’s not happening.” I say immediately.

Layla looks over at me with watery eyes. “What choice do I have? She’s our mother, Eli.” She says as the tears fall. “I don’t want my sister to go through the shit that I did. She’s too good for that.”

Again, I pull Layla back into my arms and let her cry. I know she’s scared but there has to be a way that we could keep Fallon with us or maybe until she’s at least proven herself to us.

We both sit looking at the TV but not really watching it for a while. Layla gets a text. She picks it up and reads it before tossing it back on the couch.

“They just got a table.”

I nod.

“Ugh, I can’t sit here and think about this.”

I turn my head towards her with a suggestion. “Want to go for sausage sandwiches on the boardwalk?”

A small smile graces her face. “You know just the way to my stomach.” She laughs.

I slip my shoes on and grab my keys.

“I don’t want to be too long though in case they come back early.”

I usher her out of the house. “We’re only ten minutes away.”

We park at the end of the pier since it’s the closest lot to the sausage stand. Layla points to the bathroom. “Be right back.”

While she’s in the bathroom I wait for her over by the railing so that I can watch the waves wash ashore. There are three people with metal detectors and some old guy feeding the seagulls. It’s really hot out as the Indian summer still lingers. I reach behind me and pull my shirt over my head then tuck it in my pocket. The cool breeze coming from the ocean feels good against my skin.

“Seeing you leaning up against that railing looking like that is going to be my new favorite memory.” Layla tells me as she wraps her arms around my back and begins kissing between my shoulders.

I turn in her arms. “Kiss me.”

She leans up on her tip toes and gives me a kiss that isn’t nearly long enough but it is just enough for the desire to take over.

“You’ve got your kiss, now feed me.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Layla and I grab our food and take a seat on one of the benches nearby. Every time she takes a bite she moans.

“Knock it off.” I tell her and look down at my dick.

Her cheeks flush and she looks away. Layla and I have messed around but we haven’t slept together yet. We got to that point a few times but one of us has always pulled back. Deep down I’m worried it would change things for us and I don’t want that. I’ve got needs though and it’s only getting harder and harder to wait. Literally.

We finish up and then walk down the ramp and into the sand. Layla pulls her shoes and carries them in her hands down to the life guard stand.

Layla’s blonde hair is blowing in the wind, the scent of coconuts has me dreaming of taking her home and showing her what that moaning was doing to me. Even though I know it’s not a good time with Fallon weighing on our minds.

She pulls her legs up to her chest and rests her arms on them. “It’s so beautiful out here today.”

I lean back on my elbows looking up at the sky. “Yeah, it is.”

I lean my head up looking over at her. Her skin is sun kissed and her blonde hair just a little lighter from the long summers in the sun. Copyright 2016 - 2024