Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,65

knows how to dole out punishment to his wayward son.”

“He said if I didn’t bring Isla to him, he would not only remove me from the family, but he’d personally take my head. I tried to do the right thing. I thought Craven would let Isla and Rain both go once he had enough blood to create his antiserum.” Nash licked his lips. “I honestly thought they’d find their way back to Remy. Gods, I was wrong.”

“Nash, what happened to Isla?” Remy was vibrating with anger. His beast was ready to tear the male’s limbs from his body and send them to Felix wrapped in a bow.

Nash hesitated. He eyed Remy in the rearview mirror as his hands tightened on the steering wheel. The sound of leather creaking was as loud as Nash’s deep breaths. “After Craven was through with Isla, he sold her to a German couple.”

“You motherfucker!” Remy sliced through Nash’s neck. It wasn’t enough to take the male’s head, but the coating on the blade would slow his reflexes. “Fuck! Pull over. Pull the fuck over!”

“N-no. You’ll kill me. I c-can take you to Isla. I know where she is.”

Tamian pointed a sharp claw. “Pull the godsdamned car over before you can’t. He wasn’t kidding about the blade being treated. You’re going to feel the effects in a matter of minutes.”

Nash pulled over to the shoulder and sat, unmoving. Tamian got out of the passenger side and walked around the car. When there was a break in traffic, he opened the door and pushed the other male, urging him to crawl over the console. “Move your ass,” Tamian commanded. Once they were seated, Tamian pulled out his phone. “Aldredge, it’s Tamian. I need a favor. Go ask Craven who he sold Isla Durand to. Yes, sold her. Yep.” Tamian glared at Nash who was staring back, his mouth hanging open.

“You have Craven?”

Tamian scowled. “Yes.”

“Hang up. Fuck. Hang the phone up. Craven didn’t sell Isla.” Nash slumped against the door, his head lilting to the side. “I did.”

Remy’s fangs and claws came out. If he weren’t in a confined space, his wings would have been spread behind him. He reached between the seats to grab Nash, but Tamian caught his wrist.

“Remy! If he sold her, he knows where she is.” Tamian waited until Remy retracted his claws to release him. “Where is she?” Tamian’s voice was low, and Remy felt the power behind it. He held his breath, waiting on Nash to answer.

“She’s in Germany. Just across the border.”

“You’re going to need to be a little more specific.” Tamian punched in the address Nash rattled off, then called the males in the two vehicles waiting behind them. Once they had the information, Tamian pulled back onto the roadway. The city where the German couple lived was in the opposite direction from where they had been traveling.

“You said Felix demanded you bring Isla to him, yet you were driving away from Germany. Why?” Remy no longer had the sword pointed at Nash. It wasn’t necessary. He held a syringe filled with a stronger dose of wolfsbane Tamian had given him earlier.

“I’m not going to let our Father kill her. Despite what you think, I love my sister. I didn’t agree with her mating with you, but that isn’t a death sentence. Not in my book.”

“But selling her into slavery is a better alternative?”

“It wasn’t like that.” Nash’s words were slurring. The wolfsbane was taking effect. “They wanted a… child with… Original blood, and Isla—” Remy shoved the needle into Nash’s neck.

“What the fuck?” Nash tried to raise his arm, but his muscles were no longer cooperating.

“And Isla what? You pimped my mate out like some brood mare?” Remy slapped Nash’s head, but the poison had done its job. Too well. “Oh, gods. The child. That’s who was in the picture Connor drew.”

“Maybe or maybe not. The drawing depicted Isla and a girl at your vineyard. You said Isla’s appearance was different, so there’s a possibility that is your child with your mate in the future. The good news is there is a future with Isla in it. We’re going to get your mate back.”

“But what if it isn’t my child? Nash said this couple wanted a baby.”

“If that’s the case, she somehow ends up with Isla, at least for visits. Will you be able to handle that?”

“What? Yes. I…” Remy didn’t want to think about his mate being with another male. What if she’d been raped? He didn’t know

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