Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,64

thing for the Hogan bloodline. “

“Is your father aware of what you did with Isla and Rain?”

“No. At least he wasn’t until you called him and he heard Rain’s voice. Father had demanded I get rid of them. It’s why I faked their deaths and sent him ashes I stole.”

Chapter Five

Isla Placed both hands on her stomach, praying she wasn’t pregnant. She had long ago run out of tears. Losing Rain, being separated from Remy, not knowing what each day would bring, had all taken its toll on her mind and body. The first few months after finding out Rain had been killed were a blur. Isla had passed out at her brother’s words, then she’d woken up to find herself strapped to a chair while a man named Craven withdrew her blood. More than once, Isla wished she were back in that dank room. Other than being bound so she couldn’t lash out, the doctor had treated her well. Fed her. Gave her books to read. Allowed her outside as much as she wanted. The bonds were even left off when she agreed to having her daily needle sessions. Why fight the inevitable if it offered her a few luxuries?

She had just gotten used to her new normal until one day, Craven decided he was done with her. The doctor told her he was taking her to meet up with Remy. He lied. The couple he left her with were Gargoyles who bought her. Isla knew this because of her shifter hearing. After learning the high price Elias and Anna Weber paid all because they wanted a child with Original blood, she endured a different type of captivity. She was shoved into an attic set up like a mini apartment. It would have been nice except for the reinforced bars on the windows and the metal cuff on her wrist. Isla wasn’t allowed out of the attic often, and she was never able to leave the house. If she tried, the band on her arm shocked her until she was rendered unconscious. She knew this from experience.

The past few months had been almost as bad as when she found out her son was no longer of this earth. The only good thing about her ordeal with the Webers was the fact that she wasn’t being raped by Elias. A doctor was attempting to artificially inseminate her. With as many years as it took for her to get pregnant with Rain, Isla doubted these attempts would happen quickly. At least she prayed they didn’t. She didn’t want another male’s child. She wanted her child back. Wanted her life back. And once they got what they wanted? What then?

“Your father wanted Isla dead?” Remy didn’t believe it. The electronic voice of the navigational system interrupted their conversation, directing Nash to take the next exit onto a different interstate. When Nash didn’t put on his indicator, Remy pressed the sword against his throat. “Take the exit,” Remy demanded. Nash glanced briefly into the mirror, but he wasn’t looking at Nash. Remy didn’t turn to look behind them. He already knew Lorenzo and Pierre were there. Nash flipped on the turn signal and hit the exit.

“Instead of having your sister and nephew killed, you thought they’d be better off used as lab experiments?” Tamian asked once they were rolling down the next section of interstate.

“Craven assured me they would only be used for their blood.”

Tamian narrowed his eyes at Nash. “None of that matters now. Where were you rushing off to in such a hurry?”

“I wasn’t—” Remy pushed the blade he’d allowed to go lax, and Nash swallowed hard. “My father called. Said he had proof Rain was alive. He demanded I come home.”

“So you were driving to Australia via Europe?” Tamian laughed. “Here’s what I think. Isla was the oldest and next in line to run the family business. Sure, she left home to build a life with Remy, but she was still in your way. With her alive, she would inherit half of everything should your father cross over. If something happened to her, that half would go to her son. With them both out of the picture, you set yourself up to be the sole heir. “How am I doing so far?”

“No. That’s not—”

“Now, your father knows you lied about Rain, so it makes sense you lied about your sister as well. A male like Felix Hogan who’s made his mark on the world with no help from anyone surely

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