Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,66

who this couple was, but they must be Gargoyles to know about Originals. Gods, what had his Isla endured these past two years? “I just want my mate back. I want her safe in my arms, and I want her to be reunited with Rainier. If these Goyles bought her for the purpose of carrying their child, they’re not going to let the child go with her.”

“And you’ll deal with that together. The main thing is to get her back home where she belongs. Help her heal from whatever she’s endured the same way you’re helping your son.”

Remy’s mind was a tornado. It swirled between horrid thoughts of the worst his mate could have endured and the thrill of seeing her again. Knowing she was alive. Anticipating reuniting her with Rain. Those were the things he tried to focus on. Tamian was right – whatever she’d been through, Remy would help her recover no matter what it took. Then he was going to deal with her father.

When they were half an hour away from their destination, Tamian pulled off the highway. Remy didn’t question the male until he parked behind a large church. “Why are we here?”

“To transfer Nash to one of the other vehicles. When we get Isla away from the couple, she doesn’t need to see her brother slumped over and paralyzed.”

“Or maybe she does. If she knows he’s responsible for selling her, she might want to take his head herself.”

“Maybe we wait and see about her mental stability? You showing up is going to be emotional enough, don’t you think?”

“Yes, you’re right.” Remy got out and helped Tamian move Nash to the back of Lorenzo’s SUV.

Lorenzo closed the hatch once they had the male situated and covered. “I had Henry look up the couple while we were driving. Elias and Anna Weber are the current owners of the address Nash gave you. According to the satellite image, the property is considered a farm, and it’s on approximately seven acres. There are other houses around but not so close we should have trouble. How do you want to handle this?”

“Remy and I will use the driveway. If someone happens to stop us before we make it to the house, I’ll say we’re tourists and got turned around. If we don’t meet with resistance, we’ll take the front door. Leo, I want you to stay with Nash. The wolfsbane should keep him paralyzed for a while, but I don’t want to take any chances of him coming around and causing trouble. Lor, you, Pierre, and Santiago will surround the house in case they try to leave either out the back or through a window. With Elias being Gargoyle, he could take to the sky in an attempt to escape. You will park on the road and come in from the sides and back. Remy and I will leave our swords in the car, but the three of you should be armed just in case. Be ready to rush to our aid if you hear me call for you. I doubt Weber will give us any trouble since he shouldn’t be expecting us.”

With a plan in place, they drove the rest of the way. The closer they got, the antsier Remy and his beast became. His Gargoyle wanted to be turned loose, but Remy kept it right at the surface. Once the others were in place, Tamian was able to drive up to the house without anyone coming to see who the strange vehicle belonged to. It was eerily quiet as they made their way to the front door. No voices were talking inside the house. Remy reached out with his senses searching for his mate. It didn’t take long for her heartbeat to reach his ears. There were two other beings inside, but they weren’t his Isla. He’d slept next to her enough times to know how her blood pulsed through her body. Remy fisted his hands to keep his claws from extending. Tamian rang the doorbell. It took almost a minute before footsteps sounded from inside. By the heaviness, Remy could tell it was a male. Since there were only three people in the house, he was ready for Elias to open the door.

“Can I help you?” The male who opened the door, wearing silk pajamas and house slippers, appeared to be in his late thirties, but his countenance was much older.

Remy pushed his way inside. “Where is she? Isla!” A strong hand gripped Remy’s shoulder, but Remy

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