Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,56

to the task at hand. He opened his phone and searched for local wineries. He found several in Georgia, and only one of those offered grape stomping. He sent an email requesting a private party where he could take Rain and possibly Amelia and Connor to enjoy a day out. He then sent a text to Frey and Dante telling them what he had in mind, stating it could be considered a field trip.

The event planner returned his call almost immediately. When she explained they didn’t offer grape stomping on such a small scale because of cost, Remy told the planner about his family-owned vineyards in France, so he was aware of what went into putting the day together. He offered to pay full price with twenty percent added on top of that if she would accommodate their small group. There were other activities which wouldn’t cost near what Remy was willing to pay, but this was part of Rain’s past. What good was having money if he couldn’t use it to give Rain a happy memory?

While he was on hold, Dante returned his text stating he, Isabelle, and Connor would love to accompany them and to add Gregor and Tessa to the list. Frey also texted, saying Abbi, Amelia, and Marigold were eager to take the trip too. Frey would send Lorenzo in his place to watch over his family since Frey needed to stay in New Atlanta. When the planner came back on the line, Remy told her the final count would be eleven, and she had gotten approval from the owners to set up their outing. They set the date for the following Saturday, and Remy paid her in advance. When he disconnected, Remy sent a text to Frey and Dante with the date and time of their outing.

Rain turned around and scooted onto his knees, propping his bony elbows on Remy’s thighs. “We get to smash grapes?”

“Yes, but we can’t go until next Saturday. Now, we have a whole day to do something else. Would you like to go see a movie? Or we could go to the Aquarium.”

“I’ve never been to an aquarium. Do they have lots of fish?” Rain’s accent was a combination of French and Australian. The more he was around Amelia, the less they came through.

“Thousands. They even have sharks.”

Rain’s eyes were huge. “Sharks? We have to go, Papa!”

Remy laughed and ran his hand over Rain’s hair. “You go brush your teeth and change out of your pajamas. I’ll clean up our dishes quickly, and then we’ll be on our way.”

Rain pushed off the floor using Remy’s legs as leverage and climbed onto his papa’s lap. Rain squished Remy’s cheeks together, making him look like a fish. It was a move Amelia did often to Frey, and the large Gargoyle lit up every single time. “You’re the best daddy ever.” Rain smacked a kiss on Remy’s fish lips, then hopped down and took off up the stairs. Okay, maybe Amelia wasn’t such a bad influence after all.

After their day at the aquarium, Remy and Rain returned to their normal days. Remy stayed away from Craven because the urge to kill the human was too strong. As he made his rounds, he observed Isabelle interact with Gabriel. From what Remy was told, the male had changed since being captured. Isabelle spent time with her brother, helping him remember who he had been before being kidnapped and used for his shifter blood. He was no longer Vincent Alexander, cold-blooded killer. Gabriel was aware of the bad things he’d done for the man who created the Unholy, and he quietly spent his days in the Pen as atonement. If Isabelle had her way, Gabriel would not be locked up, but more than once, Remy overheard their conversations. Gabriel stated he wouldn’t leave before he’d done his time, even if his sister were to somehow convince Gregor to let him out.

Isabelle and Dante continued to administer the antiserum to the Unholy, and so far, the treatment was working. Tessa hadn’t been lying when she told Craven he was no longer needed. Isabelle had Jonas Montague as a father, and the man was a genius. Isabelle had inherited her father’s smarts and was able to formulate her own antiserum. Tessa had inherited the male’s penchant for mischievousness, and Remy was always delighted when she spent her days at the Pen with Gregor. The redhead was feisty and funny, and she reminded Remy of Isla.

When she caught Remy

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