Spectrum (Stone Society #14) - Faith Gibson Page 0,57

deep in thought the Friday before their trip to the winery, Tessa asked him if he was okay.

“I’m good. Just thinking about going after Isla’s brother.”

“So you know where he is?”

“Yes. Henry found him in The Netherlands. He’s been working under an alias.”

Tessa clapped her hands together. “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go get the bastard.”

“What kind of trouble are you getting into now, Red?” Gregor asked as he entered the office.

“The best kind – taking out the trash.” Gregor arched a brow, and she continued. “Remy found his dickhead brother-in-law.”

Gregor growled low in his throat. “What are you waiting for?” Gregor’s tone matched his mate’s.

“I’m supposed to be learning how to run the Pen, not traipsing across the world for revenge.”

“It’s a good thing I’m in charge of that project, isn’t it?” Gregor pulled Tessa’s back against his chest and looked at Remy over her shoulder. “Other than worrying about that, is there anything else holding you back?”

“Logistics. I hate leaving Rain again, but I can’t take him with me and go after Nash. I won’t put him through seeing the man who sold him to Drago.”

Tessa huffed and slashed her hand in the air as though Remy were being obtuse. “I can go with you and watch Rain while you go after Nash. I’ve been a lot of places but never The Netherlands.” Tessa turned her head and looked up at Gregor. “What do you say, Stone? Fancy a trip to tulip land? If you can’t go with us, I can ask Tamian. Lucy’s going to be busy with Jonas a while, and I know he’s always up for garbage disposal.”

“I’ll go. Deacon already offered to step in when and if Remy found Nash.”

“Then that’s settled. I’ll ask Tamian for his jet. Remy, just let me know when you want to go.” Tessa had a fire in her eyes Remy admired. She and Gregor were proving to be not only good Clan mates but good friends as well. He was lucky to know them.

“Find out when it’s best for Deacon. I hate taking him away from Sabrina.”

“Will do, Brother.”

Remy left the couple in the office while he made his rounds. He thought about calling Felix with his plan to go after Nash, but he didn’t want the male to tip his son off. Remy had no idea whether or not Felix was aware of where Nash was or that the male was using an alias. There was little Remy wouldn’t do for his own son, but kidnapping and possibly murder were two things he would have a hard time being okay with. He didn’t see his sweet child ever getting to a point in his life where he was that evil. Remy didn’t know Nash well. He only knew what Isla had told him about her brother, and none of it was good. According to her, he had always been spoiled and felt entitled. How the two siblings turned out so differently having been raised by the same parents was a mystery.

Saturday’s weather was perfect for their trip to the winery. The autumn air was crisp, and Halloween decorations were springing up everywhere he looked. Abbi and Frey were planning a party for the kids after taking them around to the Clan houses to trick-or-treat.

Rain chatted animatedly to his two little friends about stomping grapes. Connor, who was usually quiet and stoic like his father, was excited at the prospect of getting dirty. Amelia was dressed in her ever-present tutu, only this one was purple so it matched the color of the juice. Remy kept one eye on the road and the other on the kids in the back of the SUV. Lorenzo sat next to him in the passenger seat. He was used to the kids’ conversations, having watched over them often, and he still laughed at Amelia’s antics.

“You’re lucky, Brother,” Lor whispered at one point. “I can’t imagine what you went through when you thought you lost him and your mate, but you’ve been given a second chance. For that, I thank the gods.”

Lorenzo was an honorable male, helping the Clan wherever he could. He was one of the Goyles who had yet to meet his mate. “Don’t give up hope. There’s still plenty of time for you to find your own mate.”

“Hope is all I have. In the meantime, I will watch over the young ones as best I can. I am looking forward to the next generation taking over. Times are changing,

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