Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,70

could be excused from his work in the stables. The earl, true to his word, made sure his men kept the boy busy there. For his part, Evan seemed to adore being around the horses. He did come and sleep with her every night, though.

“I’m used to sleeping near ye, Maddie,” he told her when he planted himself on the floor at the foot of her bed after that first night. “Ye might need me. I’ll be here to help protect ye.”

“Then come lie next to me, Evan. The floor’s too hard.”

Of course, Lyssa became jealous and also wanted to sleep with her. They’d had quite a time convincing the girl she belonged in her own chamber. It was moments like that in which Madeleine was relieved that Annie was the girl’s nurse and not she.

Madeleine awakened early, as was her custom, and rose immediately. She practiced getting around several times a day, wanting to strengthen her leg and her own stamina as much as possible. She’d learned in the past not to let injuries slow her down or Henri would make it worse for her. Her husband despised any display of weakness and took cruel advantage of anyone in that state. Madeleine had learned to fight the pain at first and then worked with it. After three years with Henri, she knew just how far she could push her body and what its limitations were.

The leg, still in its unwieldy splint, was heavy, but she managed it well. She hobbled around the room several times, exhausted but pleased with her progress. She whispered a fervent prayer to the Holy Mother, hoping the splint was helping her bones to mend properly. She smiled to herself, picturing the arrogant physician. She wished he could see what she’d already accomplished in so short a time.

A light rap sounded on the door and it opened quietly. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of the Earl of Montayne bearing a tray. On it sat bread and ale, with a large wedge of cheese. Her stomach rumbled at the sight of it and she felt her face flush.

He entered the room and closed the door. Concern for her was written on his features.

“Should you be trying to walk, Madeleine? It’s a bit early, don’t you think?”

She shook her head fiercely. “Nay, I must!” she insisted. “It’s important that I move about. It helps to heal more quickly.”

Concentrating on each step as she moved slowly and deliberately toward the bed, she swung the damaged leg stiffly along. She glanced up and saw him watching her, a pained expression on his face. He looked as if he were ready to sweep her up and carry her to her destination. It was the last thing she wanted from him. She gave him credit, though, for he stood still and waited until she finally reached him.

He helped her onto the bed, lifting her against the pillows and smoothing the covers over her. The very nearness of him brought her absurd pleasure.

He placed the tray on the bed and she reached for the ale, suddenly very thirsty. Her hands trembled as she took the cup and brought it to her lips, realizing her efforts had depleted most of her strength. He raised his hand to hers and steadied it so she could drink more easily.

Madeleine drank deeply. These turns around the room always left her drained. She wished her host would leave for she had no wits about her now. Still, he’d stayed away for a long time and she thought to question him why.

“My lord?” she asked. “Is there something special about today?”

“I wish you would call me Garrett. You are a guest in my home. All my friends call me Garrett.”

A giggle escaped from her, knowing how Henri had referred to the English earl. “I’ve heard said your enemies call you the Devil Himself.”

He grinned. “Better you call me Devil than nothing at all.” His expression grew serious. “I do wish to speak with you about an important matter. Last night, Lord Eversleigh arrived at Stanbury.”

She gasped. “So soon?” An ache like the one she’d felt upon Gwenith’s death filled her suddenly.

He nodded. “He’d like to leave today with Evan. He’s meeting the boy for the first time now.”

Her lips began to tremble and she bit the lower one, trying to still it. “May I see Evan before he goes?” she asked quietly.

“Of course. You know he’d insist upon it.”

“Yes,” she said softly.

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