Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,71

to see you in about an hour. I’ll have Annie or someone come help you dress.”

Madeleine nodded and turned her face away as he left the room. Sorrow began to weigh upon her soul. Her appetite had diminished and she pushed the tray away as hot tears fell. She dried her cheeks, though, and was ready when the nobleman came to see her. He was very tall, with dark hair and dark eyes that sparkled with the same mischief she saw every day in Evan’s eyes. She was struck by the uncanny resemblance Evan bore to this stranger. It would be obvious to anyone that they were father and son.

Eversleigh strode across the room and bowed to her. He dragged a chair next to her bed. Surprisingly, he took her hand in his.

“Tell me about my dearest Gwenith.” There was no mistaking his wistful tone, nor the tenderness in his eyes as he spoke his former lover’s name.

Madeleine found her own eyes welling with fresh tears. “She was the best friend I ever had. Gwenith rescued me at the lowest point in my life and brought me around to the happiest times I’ve known.”

Eversleigh smiled. “That’s my girl.” He sighed. “She was the most alive, most vibrant person I’ve ever known.”

“And very beautiful,” Madeleine added.

“Yes.” Eversleigh beamed. “With that impossibly red hair and wide smile. She quite stole my heart.” He shook his head in amazement. “She stole my wife’s, too. Even after Lady Eversleigh found out about Gwenith being with child—my child—my wife hadn’t the heart to throw her out. Most wives would storm and rage. Mine made booties for the coming babe.”

“Gwenith did have a way about her,” she agreed with a smile. She felt the mirth fade from her lips and squeezed his hand. “You were very much in Gwenith’s thoughts at the end, my lord. She told me she’d never stopped loving you.” Madeleine’s eyes misted over. “Those were her last words.”

Eversleigh stood abruptly and cleared his throat. “Why did she leave?” he thundered. “I could have cared for her. She’d never have gotten sick, never left Evan motherless, never . . .” His voice broke and he sat in the chair again, his head in his hands.

Madeleine wished she had the answers the nobleman so desperately wanted.

Eversleigh remained that way for several minutes before raising his head. “Thank you for being her friend. For caring for my son. He’s very fond of you. In fact, if you’d like, you may journey to Sussex when you are well and care of him there. Would you consider it?”

Madeleine longed to do that very thing. She’d become so attached to the little tyke in such a short time, she had no idea how she’d manage without seeing him on a daily basis. Yet Evan had his own life now with his father. She, on the other hand, had to return to France and embark on her new life there.

“I will keep that in mind, my lord,” she told him. But she could see he knew she would never interfere.

Loud steps came from the corridor and Evan and Lyssa pushed her door wide, bounding in as only the young can.

“Maddie, did ye meet my papa? Isn’t he wonderful?” Evan ran to one side of her bed and Lyssa joined him on the other.

“Yes, Evan, Lord Eversleigh is very nice. I think you’ll have a wonderful time living in Sussex.”

Evan glanced quickly at his father and then said, “Papa said ye could come with us. Will ye, Maddie?” He gazed at her lovingly, making her heart ache all the more.

Her voice was thick as she replied, “I’ll consider it, Evan. But for now, I must remain behind and get well. You do understand that, don’t you?”

Evan threw himself into her arms, wrapping his own around her neck. “I’ll miss ye so, Maddie, just like I miss Mama.” He squirmed away and studied her face a long time.

“What are you doing, Evan?” she finally asked.

“I’m remembering what ye look like, Maddie. I’m forgetting what Mama looked like already. I don’t want to forget ye, too.”

Madeleine’s face puckered and she reached for him, holding him fast. “I do love you, Evan. I will always, always love you. You’ll remember that, won’t you?”

“Of course.” He scrambled toward the door, followed by Lyssa, his ever-present shadow. “I’ve got to tell me horses goodbye now, Maddie.” He frowned. “But I won’t miss that Barth at all, with his creepy one eye. He’s a mean one.”

Madeleine Copyright 2016 - 2024