Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,69

nobleman, and you still spin your tales. No wonder my guests praised you so highly.” He turned to go. “I’ll be back, mayhap in a few days, or when you’re ready to tell me the truth.”

Madeleine reached for the cup on the table next to her and hurled it toward his head. He ducked and, still laughing, left the chamber, closing the door behind him.

“You bloody bastard!” she called after him. “Goodness.” She suddenly laughed at herself. “I’ve been in England so long I’m now cursing in the language. I wonder if I should say my rosary in English,” she mused.

Finally finding herself alone now, her first thought was to check her tunics, which lay across the back of the chair next to the bed. She tossed back the bedclothes and struggled from the bed to the chair, groaning as the pain flared. Heaving herself into it, she fingered the hems of her tunics. Panic seared through her.

The jewels were gone.

“No,” she whispered. “That cannot be.”

Her fingers searched without success. Someone had discovered her hidden treasures and taken them. The tunics were clean, so she knew they had been taken to be washed while she slept.

Which of Garrett’s servants had discovered her secret stash? The hems appeared intact so whoever had found the gems had not only claimed the jewels but repaired the stitches, as well. Tears welled in her eyes as an ache filled her, a hurt so deep it was as if someone had run a sword through her.

She was in no position to seek out the person who had stolen her jewels. She had barely made it from the bed to this chair and dreaded having to return to the bed again. Madeleine forced herself to do so, however. As she lay there, she realized no one would have the audacity to steal under Garrett’s roof.

Fear encircled her heart as she realized it could only be the Earl of Montayne who had discovered her cache. She was already at his mercy, being unable to leave with the mummers because of her injuries. Now would not be the time to confront him in her weakened state. Once she healed, though, she would have to brave facing him and demand that he return the gems to her. They were her property and would allow her to journey with Evan to Lord Eversleigh, as well as give her the means to continue to survive in England.

For now, Madeleine decided she would play ignorant and bide her time.


Lord Montayne was as good as his word. Madeleine didn’t see him again for a fortnight, though half his castle’s population had visited her in the first few days she was in bed, including several of the guests leaving to return to their own homes. One in particular, Lady Sanvale, was especially kind. Madeleine noticed the sparkle in the silver-haired woman’s eyes every night she had entertained with her stories and songs. She felt especially honored when the dowager countess came to see her.

“You are remarkable, my dear,” Lady Sanvale said, patting her hand. “And so very brave! I don’t know of many men who’d rescue a kitten the way you did, risking your life for a child’s happiness.” She removed something from her surcoat and took Madeleine’s hand, patting her again as she placed something heavy and cool in her palm.

Madeleine opened her hand to find a beautiful brooch. “Oh, dear, my lady, I cannot accept such a valuable gift.”

Lady Sanvale silenced her. “My child, I’m an old woman. Not many live to be my age and I’ve decided to make my own laws as I go along. You have brought me happiness and I would return some to you. Now take this. You may have need of it someday.”

Madeleine’s eyes glimmered with tears. She leaned forward and kissed the other woman’s withered cheek. “I thank you for your generosity, my lady.”

Others also visited, including many of the servants who’d come to see her perform during the faire. Lyssa came daily and even Lady Edith honored her with a visit.

But Garrett did not come.

He stayed away for two full weeks and Madeleine began to feel as if she might lose her mind after the first few days of bed rest. She didn’t know if it was from boredom or lack of his company. She had come to enjoy their verbal sparring and she missed him terribly.

Madeleine began Lyssa’s lessons again. Evan sat in on them, too, practicing both music and drawing when he Copyright 2016 - 2024