Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,47

I love children so, and his daughter is a very sweet girl. In fact, she and Evan have become fast friends.”

“I saw how he looked at you.”

She stammered, “Wh-what do you mean?”

He took her by her arm, his fingers like steel pressed against her tender flesh. “I know what a man wants when he looks at a woman like that, Madeleine, and it’s not a tour of the faire grounds.”

“Royce, let go,” she said quietly. “You’re hurting me.”

He jerked her close to him. She was so near she could see the stubble along his chin and her stomach churned. Usually, she could swallow the nausea until Henri was through beating her. This time, Madeleine didn’t know if she could now. She was out of practice—and so very afraid. The thought that she had no control of this situation made her hysteria rise. Her heart pounded violently against her ribs as dread filled her. She couldn’t form a coherent thought. All she wanted was to be free of this man. To run and hide. To find sanctuary.

His other hand went around her nape, his fingers tightening. Terror seized her, holding her in place as much as his strong hands. As Royce’s eyes bored into her, something snapped within her.

Why was she so afraid?

This man was not her husband. He held no power over her. No man did. Within seconds, her fear morphed into fury. She might have taken the abuse in the past because it was at the hands of her husband. This time, it was different.

She was different.

Madeleine determined she would never allow herself to be bullied by a man ever again. Though she knew that physically she was no match for Royce, she could scream to the bloody heavens if she had to in order to bring help. Causing trouble for Farley and Elspeth was the last thing she wanted to do, however, seeing as how they had been so good to her. She would make an effort to reason with Royce.

If it failed, only then would she act, hoping the consequences of her actions wouldn’t reflect poorly on the owners of the troupe.

“Royce, please,” she said calmly. “You must release me now. I insist.”

“Is this how the mighty lord looked at you, Madeleine? Did he want you as much as I do? Would you do for him and deny me?” he sneered.

“Take your hands from her,” a voice commanded from the dark.

Chapter Thirteen

“Take your hands from her.”

Garrett was surprised at how steady his voice remained despite the anger thundering through his body. The thought of any man touching Madeleine against her will sickened him. He clenched and unclenched his fists, wanting to tear the bastard from Madeleine and slam him to the ground.

The couple turned in his direction. Garrett could see the fear and alarm written across Madeleine’s face. He now recognized the man as the one called Royce who’d whisked Madeleine away from him at the other faire. He’d been jealous of the mummer at the time, but he was furious at the man now.

Garrett took another step toward them. Royce still clasped Madeleine’s arm in a tight grip, one that would surely leave bruises on the morrow. He sized up his adversary. His chest was broad and thick and his arms were well-muscled. The moonlight caught the ice-blue eyes that stared daggers at him.

“Unhand the lady now,” Garrett demanded.

Royce thrust Madeleine from him, releasing his death grip. She immediately began rubbing her arm, tears glinting against the moonlight.

“Are you all right, Madeleine?” Garrett asked softly.

“Yes, my lord”,” she replied, no louder than a whisper.

“I refuse to ask your Mr. Farley to vacate the premises because of the actions of one individual,” he told Royce. “However, you are to leave and never return to Stanbury. I will not tolerate the abuse of women in any manner.”

Royce balled his hands into fists, ready to attack. “I have never abused a woman in my life.” He made to charge Garrett but Madeleine jumped in front of him.

“Royce, are you mad? Have you forgotten the law? Reason has fled you for I know you’d never assault a nobleman. ’Twould be death to do so!”

Royce froze at her words.

Garrett clenched his hands into fists as Madeleine turned and threw out her hand.

“No, please, my lord. This was simply a misunderstanding, more my fault than Royce’s.”

What? Her fault? Anger coiled in Garrett’s gut. Had Madeleine led this man to think he could have his way with her then changed her mind? He Copyright 2016 - 2024