Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,48

had no patience for cock teasers.

She stood very still but he caught the slight tremble in her voice and body.

“I beg you to reconsider, my lord. Royce is an integral part of several of our plays. It would be impossible for Farley to replace him now and would affect many in our troupe, not to mention the many who’ve come to Stanbury to sell their wares. Please, my lord. Do not be hasty in your decision.”

Garrett raked a hand through his hair. He’d like nothing better than to punish Royce with his fists and banish him from Stanbury. Yet he needed Farley’s troupe to stay. He couldn’t risk losing Madeleine.

He inclined his head to her. “As you wish, Madeleine.” He turned to Royce. “If I hear of or witness another scene like the one I came across this evening, there will be no forgiveness a second time. Leave Madeleine well alone—and stay far from sight—else I’ll banish you from Stanbury. Be gone!”

Royce stood eyeing Garrett for a long moment, a surly expression upon his face. Finally, he turned and trudged off in the direction of the tents.

Garrett took a step toward Madeleine. Her trembling grew more visible now. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks, glistening in the bright moonlight. He held out his arms. He didn’t know if she moved to him or he to meet her but, suddenly, she was there, enfolded within his embrace.

He ached for her as silent sobs racked her slender body, her thin shoulders shaking. He held her tenderly, murmuring soothing words to her, stroking her silken hair over and over. Eventually, her sobs ended and the shudders subsided—but she remained in his arms. He made no move to kiss her, choosing to comfort her instead.

He realized it didn’t matter. Although he had fantasized about kissing her again, he was content now to simply hold her. After witnessing the scene with Royce as he held her against her will, Garrett did not want to take the chance of scaring her away.

Besides, he liked the feel of her next to him. True, he’d rather be running his fingers through her long hair, stroking her breasts with his hands and tongue but, for now, this proved enough.

“My lord?” Her voice was hesitant. She eased away from him slightly and met his gaze.

“Yes, Madeleine?”

“I . . . I want to thank you. You see . . . well, Royce has never behaved thus. I . . .” She couldn’t go on.

“I understand, Madeleine.” He drew her to him again for a brief moment but he knew he must let her go. Reluctantly, he dropped his arms and took a step back.

“May I accompany you to your tent?”

She nodded. He did not take her arm, much as he desired, but remained by her side. He slowed his gait to compensate for her slight limp but they still reached the tent much too quickly.

“Will you be all right?”

She nodded. Before he could let her go, he took her hand and raised it to his lips to press a gentle kiss to her fingers. An electricity seemed to crackle through the calm, June night.

She stared at him, her mouth half-open as if to speak, but no sound came out.

“I will see you on the morrow,” he said.

“Au revoir,” she answered softly and stepped inside.


Madeleine did not see Lord Montayne until late the next day, though she did spend time with Lyssa. The girl and Evan had turned out to be inseparable companions, one not daring to make a move or take a step unless the other was nearby.

She spent a hopeless morning trying to help Hannah with some of the costumes. Several of them needed to be mended and all needed to be pressed in time for tomorrow’s opening performances.

“Madeleine, you are all thumbs!” Hannah chastised. “Just leave. You are causing me more work than I had before you arrived.”

She gave Hannah an apologetic look and took her leave. She passed Farley, who wore his usual fretful look and bellowed loudly at his wife. “What’s to be done, Elspeth? You can’t replace talent like Benton.”

Elspeth snorted. “Benton’s talent is only marginal, Farley. ’Tis likely someone else in the company could do what that foolish boy did.”

Madeleine interrupted. “What’s this about Benton?”

Farley grunted. “The young fool off and ran away with some chit he’d just met. Where does that leave me?”

Benton designed and painted the backdrops the mummers used in their productions. She smiled at the big man. “I used to paint Copyright 2016 - 2024