Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,46

remember when you found me on the docks, Gwenith?”


Madeleine filled Gwenith in on her encounters with Garrett, leaving out their kiss, of course. That was something she’d keep to warm herself when the nightmares got bad.

“The earl’s daughter is a precious little angel. She and Evan got along so well. It was good to see Evan have a companion near his own age.”

“And ye, too, Maddie?”

Madeleine flushed as Gwenith gave her a knowing smile. “Ye keep people at arm’s length, Maddie. Oh, not Evan and me, but I’ve thought ye needed more than us.”

She shook her head. “You’ve become my family, Gwenith. You, Evan, the troupe. You’ve all taken me in and been so kind. Don’t go seeing things where they aren’t,” she gently scolded.

“It’s already there, Maddie,” Gwenith softly said. “There’s something between ye and this lord. Oh, stop shaking yer head at me, girl. I know ye.”

She reached over and took Madeleine’s hand. “I knew from the moment I laid eyes on ye that ye’re no commoner, Maddie Bouchard, or whatever yer name is. I don’t know what ye’re running from or why, but I do know I love ye like me own flesh.”

Gwenith leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Madeleine’s neck. “I want ye to be happy.”

She let go and fell back into her pillows. “Don’t live life with regrets, Maddie. Don’t look back. Look ahead.”

But what could she look forward to? She longed to return to France and leave her burdens behind, but if she did, she feared what would happen to Gwenith and Evan if her friend didn’t fully recover.

Yet, more than anything, she longed to see Garrett again. To spar with him. To see that gentle smile he withheld from the world. To feel his mouth on hers.

Her head ached. Maybe some air would do her good. She bent and kissed Gwenith’s cheek and brushed the hair back from her friend’s brow. It frightened her how Gwenith had wasted away in just a few short weeks. Though she still bloomed with optimism, her cheeks were sunken, her eyes dull, and her flesh seemed to hang on her bones. Madeleine blinked back the tears just as Evan came in. He kissed his mother goodnight and allowed Madeleine to tuck him in.

She left the tent. The camp was settling down for the night. A few mummers still gathered around the dying fire, talking and joking, but most people were ready for a good night’s sleep. She continued toward the open area, which would soon be covered with wares and crowds of people interested in buying and selling their goods. It was a different kind of life—but one she’d come to appreciate. The people might not have two coins to rub together but they were rich in all that mattered. They had an honesty about them and a love for what they did. Madeleine realized that these past few months had been among the happiest in her life.

Thankfully, those around her had dispelled the horrors of Henri for a time, which had helped her soul begin to heal. She listened to the crickets’ soft music, longing for the nights she and her father sat together outside and listened to their chirping. She glanced up to the star-filled night, at peace for the moment.


The peace instantly shattered. She turned and saw a frowning Royce approaching her. He did not seem to be in good spirits and she sought to dispel his sour mood with humor.

“Good evening to you, Royce. Aren’t you in a black mood? If I didn’t know better, I’d think—”

“Enough, Madeleine,” he said angrily.

His tone immediately put her on guard. She had heard it too many times from Henri.

“What’s wrong, Royce?” she asked carefully.

“I thought you were married.” He spit the words out at her. His blue eyes, usually so merry, were now as cold as ice as he looked at her with suspicion.

Her stomach roiled, a queasy feeling settling in it. “I am. I told you so.”

“Have you told Lord Montayne?” His eyes narrowed as he studied her.

“Why would I bother to tell our lord host of my marital status?” she tossed back.

“Why, indeed? I would have thought that unnecessary. Until I saw you together this afternoon.”

Madeleine quickly thought back and realized Royce must have seen them walking with Lyssa.

“Yes, I was with Lord Montayne earlier today. He asked that I show him and his daughter around. I was happy to comply.”

“You seemed awfully cozy.”

“Royce, please. I was merely doing the earl a favor. Copyright 2016 - 2024