Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,45

have been lonely for years, Garrett. Ever since Lynnette left. I am torn between my concern for your involvement with this woman and yet I want to support any relationship that not only brings happiness to Lyssa—but to you.”

“It’s not what you think. I have no true relationship with Madeleine,” he assured Edith. “We are little more than acquaintances.”

“Yet I see in your eyes that you wish it could be much more.”

With a few words, his mother had cut to the heart of the matter. He did want more from Madeleine, more than she could give him. Yet he was willing to take whatever crumbs he could from her, hoping that might be enough to soothe his soul.

“I plan to enjoy the little time I will spend in her company while the mummers remain at Stanbury,” he said brusquely. “Madeleine has already woven a spell about Lyssa and is drawing her out. If that’s all that occurs before the troupe leaves, I will be more than satisfied.”

He rose, wishing to be alone. “I must speak to Ash,” he said, using his friend as an excuse to leave the great hall.

As Garrett retreated, he thought of how Madeleine had also bewitched him—and wondered if he would muster the courage to let her go when the time came.


Madeleine stayed busy the rest of the day. There was much to be done since the faire opened in two days’ time. It would be in operation for almost a week and then culminate with the summer solstice. Not much emphasis was placed upon this day in France but in England, particularly for the people she now resided with, this event seemed to have special significance.

“Think, Maddie, ’tis the longest day of the year,” Gwenith told her. “Some think it a night of eerie superstitions but Mama always told me ’twas a night for passion to run wild.” Gwenith’s eyes sparkled for a moment. “Anything can happen during solstice.” She sighed and then looked a bit sheepish. “Most anything, I suppose. At least that’s when Evan’s papa swept me off me feet with but one kiss. Oh, he was a rascal, that man.”

Madeleine smiled at her friend. Today, Gwenith had a bit of color in her cheeks and she was sitting up talking animatedly. Evan had been in and out and Gwenith finally felt well enough to pay him some attention. Her cough still sounded ferocious but it appeared less often, though the dark circles still remained under her eyes.

“Where did you meet Evan’s father?” Madeleine asked, curious.

Evan burst into the tent. “Are ye going to read to Mama again?”

Color swept up Gwenith’s cheeks as Evan leaped into her lap.

Madeleine laughed and met Gwenith’s gaze. “You’re just in time.” Keeping her voice low and soothing, she started the book she’d been entertaining them with the past few nights.

Evan nuzzled his mother’s cheek and sat close to her as Madeleine finished up.

“That ’twas nice, Maddie, dear. Thank ye.” Gwenith stroked Evan’s hair, a contented look upon her face.

Evan suddenly sat up. “Mama! I made a new friend today.”

“Ye did? What’s his name?” Gwenith asked eagerly.

“It’s not a he, Mama. It’s a she. She’s five.” He held up five fingers on his hand. “She likes to run and she’s gonna see me in the show.”

“That’s nice, my sweet.”

“She’s friends with Maddie, too. Maddie told us a story about a castle and a fairy princess. And there was a mean witch and a . . .” He paused and frowned. “What’s he called again, Maddie?”

“A warlock, Evan. That’s a man who’s a witch.”

“That’s right, Mama, a warlock.” He shivered. “’Twas a very scary man he was but the hero saved them all.”

Evan stood, ready to go again, but not before he imparted one more piece of information. “Maddie has a friend, too. He’s Lyssa’s papa, and she called him me lord. I thought lords were very scary, like warlocks, but Lyssa’s papa was nice.”

Evan kissed his mother’s cheek. “I’m gonna see if Osbert needs me help, Mama. I’ll be back.”

“Don’t be gone too long, Son. ’Tis almost time ye were abed.”

Gwenith waited till Evan was out of earshot before turning to Madeleine. “So ye’ve a friend who’s a lord?”

Madeleine blushed, which made Gwenith chuckle. “Tell me all, dearest, and no holding back.”

She was reluctant to share the entire story with Gwenith. Early on, she had revealed to Gwenith that she was married but hadn’t provided any details as to why she was not keeping company with her husband.

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