The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,267

climax of the night, while Cass kisses the life out of me.

The fact that I can come at all is shocking. I should be so concerned that Reuben and Zach are alone, that their discussion could come to blows again. That I’m alone with Apollo and Cass, and that’s not something we do.

But tonight has been a night of firsts. Apollo’s first kill. Reuben and I alone outside the cabin. Zach’s emotional breakdown, the first time I’ve ever seen him open up. Now this…

I fist my hand in Apollo’s long, sandy hair, grinding my pussy against his mouth as I feel an orgasm approaching. But he pulls away before I can finish, and ignores my sulky moan when he sits up and wipes his mouth.

“I want to make sure they’re still fine,” he says, cocking his head in the direction of the bedroom door.

“For fuck’s sake, they’re—” Cass cuts off when Apollo throws him a meaningful look that I recognize but can’t interpret. “Although, you really should check.”

“That’s what I thought,” he mutters, half to himself, and then throws on his boxers and pads out of the bedroom.

He shuts the door behind him.

My stomach flutters and I quickly lay a hand on it. Was that a flutter? I’ve been reading parenting books and stuff, but for the life of me I can’t remember during which trimester I’m supposed to be able to feel Malachi moving inside me.

“Twenty, twenty five weeks,” Cass whispers in my ear as he snuggles against my side. “Soon, but not yet.”

“I’m not in the least surprised you know that,” I tell him, turning my head so I can smile at him.

God, he’s so fucking gorgeous. There’s a small scar beside one eyebrow—he got it during one of our kills when the Ghost somehow managed to escape his binds and used the chair to bash Cass over the head.

That was the last time we used ropes instead of plastic ties. The last time we ever left anyone alone with a Ghost.

The last time.

I shiver, and Cass pushes my shoulder so I roll onto my side, spooning me from behind. It means I can’t see him, but the warm body pressing up against me is a fair trade.

He slides a hand over my hip and caresses my belly, then starts kissing the back of my neck.

“Cass, we shouldn’t—”

“Things have changed, my precious little slut,” he murmurs into my hair as his fingers describe sinuous lines over my goosebumped flesh. “And surprisingly, this time, for the better.”

He shifts his hips, and I immediately feel the rock-hard length of his cock nest between my ass cheeks. I move back, grinding against him, and the groan he lets out fills me with delicious shivers.

Raining tiny kisses on the side of my neck and my naked shoulder, Cass slides his hand down my leg and gently grasps me under my knee, lifting my top leg and setting it at a right angle to the other.

Cool air touches my wet, exposed pussy, and my core clenches in eager anticipation of his touch. I let out a ragged sigh when he brushes his fingertips between my legs, leaving ghostly tremors in his wake. Dipping a fingertip inside me, he starts stroking my inner wall as his thumb swipes left and right against my clit.

When he’s made sure I’m wet enough for him, Cass guides the tip of his cock against my entrance and starts teasing me with it, rubbing it through my slick folds as he nibbles on my earlobe.

“Fuck me,” I whisper urgently. “Please.”

“Such a greedy little slut.” He pushes an inch into me before stopping. “Are you even sure you can take it all?”

“Yes!” I push back, forcing him deeper inside me.

He groans, so I do it again. In seconds, I’m riding his thick, hard cock as he holds my legs apart. His fingers toy with my clit, pinching and rubbing it till I’m seconds away from bursting. He nuzzles my jaw until I turn my head to kiss him, and that’s when my climax slams into me.

I gasp, my body locking with my legs sprawled open and Cass’s cock buried deep, deep inside me. I can feel his load filling me, oozing out of me as he fucks me through his own orgasm.

Then the bedroom door opens.

If I’d been able to move, I might have tried to get away from Cass, to look less like we were fucking. But before I can gather myself, the bed creaks with someone’s weight. Then Copyright 2016 - 2024