The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,266

couldn’t sleep anymore—even with my nightlight on, all I could see were shadows. And every shadow was a portal into the monster’s realm, a place where it could step through and come visit me with its hands and its fingers and its—”

His throat bobs hard, and he squeezes closed his eyes.

In a rush, he says, “And then they threw me down there in the dark. All day, every day, the dark. There were no portals anymore. No visits.” His eyes squeeze shut tighter, and when he forces them open his lashes are glimmering with tears. “Because I was there, in his world. And that monster breathed down my fucking neck every second of every day.”

There’s a long silence filled only with the sound of the pouring water.

“You never said—” Apollo begins.

“Because it promised me if I ever did, it would start hurting you too,” Zach cuts in, fast and furious. He lifts his eyes reluctantly. “You already had such heavy fucking crosses to bear…how could I?”

He looks at me, and it’s as if a spear pushes through my chest. A hot tear flashes down my cheek. “We can fix this,” I whisper. “Your therapist, she can—”

Zach starts nodding. He reaches out an arm and slings it around my shoulder. Then he holds out his other, beckoning his brothers.

But they just stand there, watching. Not moving. My heart spasms painfully, and a sob gets past my defenses. Gently, Zachary draws me into a hug.

“You already have,” he murmurs, his lips brushing the top of my head. “I don’t get the nightmares anymore.” His voice quakes, but he talks louder, strengthening it. “And last night…it was the first time I slept straight through.”

I lean back, staring up at him through watery eyes. “Your insomnia…it’s gone?”

He shrugs a little. “I don’t know. But it was last night.” He looks past me at his brothers. “And all I can hope is that it will stay that way.”

“So why the fuck all the theatrics back at the cabin?” Cass demands coldly. “When we said it was over, why the fuck didn’t you just agree?”

“Because—” Zach stops, takes a deep breath that pushes his chest into mine. “Because I’m scared,” he whispers unsteadily. “I’m scared, and I don’t know why.”

In a rush, his brothers are suddenly clustered around us. Arms wrap us from all around. Four different scents mingle and merge, and I lose myself in that heady aroma.

“Jesus Christ,” Cass murmurs. “You just drop kicked my fucking heart, Mason.”

I laugh, but it’s a muffled sound. As if they realize they’re crushing me, my men step back, giving me a little room. I sniff, swiping my hands over my eyes as I twist my head to look at each of them in turn.

“You know what we need, don’t you?” I say.

There’s a pause. Then Reuben says, “I know what everyone needs,” he says gruffly, but his eyes are on Zach. My skin tightens, my heart kicking up a notch at the dangerous glint in his eyes.

“Rube—” I start, twisting so I can try and put myself between him and Zach.

“You, Cass and Apollo need some alone time,” he says, his gaze not shifting one iota. “And I need to speak to Zachary.”


A big hand falls on my shoulder. Rube squeezes me, and then looks down. His mouth curls up into a smile. It’s faint, and it’s sad, but it’s a smile. “There’s a lot we need to talk about,” he murmurs.

He looks at Zach again. “Wait up. I gotta run some things by you.”

There’s not a second’s hesitation. Zach moves to the side, tightening the towel around his waist, and follows Reuben from the bathroom. When I turn back, Cass and Apollo are watching me like hungry wolves who’ve just happened upon a lost little sheep.

I won’t lie, my insides tangle with desire at that look.

I put a finger in my mouth, looking up at them through my lashes as I twist shyly. “So…”

“Stop acting coy,” Cass says, one side of his gorgeous mouth lifting as he steps closer. “We’re gonna spread you like a PB and J sandwich.”

They take me back to the shower, but only to wash me clean. I assume it’s so that they can see just how dirty I’ll be when they’re done—Cass’s sweet tooth has moved into the bedroom, and Apollo’s never said no to chocolate.

I end up on the king-sized bed, naked and dripping with chocolate and whipped cream. Apollo’s between my legs, his tongue driving me to my third Copyright 2016 - 2024