The Sinners of Saint Amos - Logan Fox Page 0,268

another. Another.

Oh God. My entire body pulses as I roll onto my back and stare up at my men.

“Get that dick hard again,” Reuben grates out, his eyes flicking briefly to Cass. “Then get inside her.”

There’s a flurry of motion, then I’m lying on my side again, Cass’s semi already nudging my back door. He doesn’t enter me yet, though. First he drags his fingers through my pussy and makes sure I’m dripping. Zach moves in front of me, cock in his hand and a ravenous light gleaming in his eyes.

A big, warm hand grabs my leg, opening me up as wide as I can go. Cass slips his leg under my hip, lifting me up from the mattress and giving Reuben and Zach just the right angle to fuck me. But first they take turns stroking me, their fingers sending electric tingles through every inch of my body while Cass rubs his cock against my backdoor, reminding me just how full I’m about to be in a moment.

Apollo appears at the top of the bed, a wicked grin on his face as he slides up to me. I smile up at him, and that’s all the invitation he needs. He tugs down his boxers and wraps a hand around his cock, urging it against my pouting lips. I suck his crown into my mouth, closing my mouth as a rush of warmth fills me.

A second later, so does Rube.

I barely get a warning before he rams his thick cock into me, taking my breath away as my pussy struggles to adjust to his size. But I don’t have much time, because Cass decides he’s had enough of waiting and starts forcing his cock into my backdoor.

The stretch is delicious. The friction insane.

My entire body sets alight with unfathomable pleasure.

“Can you handle another cock, or do I have to wait my turn?” Zach grates out. My eyes flutter open, locking with his. He’s stroking his cock, alternating between watching me sucking off Apollo and Rube and Cass’s cocks thrusting into my dripping holes.

“Her pussy’s too tight.” Cass groans as he eases more of his cock into my backdoor. “You’ll tear her open.”

“Fuck that,” Rube says. “Our little slut can handle anything we want to fuck her with.”

Apollo reaches down and starts stroking my clit as he pumps his dick in and out of my mouth. I moan, my eyes fluttering closed as hedonistic awe washes through me.

A second later, Rube stops fucking me. He leaves his cock buried inside me, though, and moves a little to the side to make space for Zach.

“Fuck, he’s doing it,” Apollo says, sounding as awed as I feel.

Zach uses his fingers to smear my wetness over his cock, and then pumps it a few times before he dips down and pushes the crown against my clit. Cass starts moving in and out of me an inch at a time, keeping friction building in my backdoor while Rube and Zach negotiate their dicks inside me.

It should be impossible. Fuck, it almost feels impossible when Zach forces the first inch of his rock-hard dick between my pussy lips. But then Apollo starts rubbing my clit again, and arousal slicks my pussy.

“God, you’re so fucking wet for us,” Zach mutters. “And so tight.”

“Go deeper,” Rube says, his voice strained. He grazes the top of my knee with his teeth, but his eyes are locked on where Zach is trying to fuck my pussy. “She’ll make room.”

“Fuck you guys,” Cass groans. “I’m so fucking close. Can you hurry up already?”

In a flash, Rube’s hand is around Cass’s throat, pinning him on his back so his hips are twisted where he’s still buried inside me. “You’ll wait like the fucking gentleman you are, hear me? And when we’re all good and ready, our lady is coming first. Until then, keep your fucking act together.”

“Not helping,” Cass croaks.

Rube quickly takes his hand away, and instead grabs me around the throat. “Keep your mouth open wide for Apollo,” he says, his green eyes blazing. “I want to watch you swallow every drop of his cum.”

I moan around Apollo’s dick, my body thrumming like it’s about to disintegrate. Hot need and lust pour into me, my body growing tighter and tighter the closer I am to coming.

Zach finally fills me another inch, and it’s possible they gave each other a signal, because that’s when he and Rube begin fucking me in tandem.

Apollo thankfully takes his dick out of my mouth just as Copyright 2016 - 2024