The Sinners - Ruby Vincent Page 0,47

caressed my cheek in motion with the shivers running up my spine. “Impressive.”

The two of us were in his bed. Me sitting between his legs and feeling plenty happy about it. It wasn’t just us. Cassius propped up on his headboard while Hiro and Royal sat in their desk chairs.

“Thank you,” I replied. “Although, they did have some interesting tips to spice up my sex life that we should talk about.”

“Later,” said Royal. “Now that Hiro’s back, we can step it up on finding this dealer.” He looked to Hiro. “Your method for getting product in. Is there a chance the dealer is getting their stuff in the same way?”

“It’s possible.” Hiro was back to the half-pissed, half-bored, all-annoyed guy he was. That gut-punching, knock-you-on-your-ass smile was nowhere to be seen.

How do I get it back? I thought there was no man more beautiful than Hiro Saito. Then he smiled and blew Angry Boy out of the water.

I traced his face as he spoke. There’s not a lot to smile about after causing the death of your parents. What could you possibly have done, Hiro?

I wanted to know, but I’d never ask. It was for him to decide if and when he wanted to speak about it.

“I’ll look into it,” Hiro continued, “but I’m wondering if it’s even simpler than that. The police questioned the Raveners and searched their rooms after what happened to Camila, but the rest of the dorm hasn’t had a surprise room or locker search all semester. The guy might just be walking the shit through the gates in his backpack.”

“A senior could get in and out whenever he runs low,” I said. “We sign ourselves off campus.”

“Or the guy pays a senior to bring in the drugs,” Clay added. “Either way, Hiro’s right. He might be keeping it simple.”

“How do we find them if they are?” I asked. “Tip off Hart to do a search?”

“Nah,” said Hiro. “You know how many times my room’s been searched and they never found a thing? If the guy is smart—and he obviously is—a room search isn’t going to do him in.”

“Then what do we do?”

Crossing his arms, Royal leaned back in the seat, eyes falling closed. “We force him to make a move.”

Clay sat up, draping his arms over his knees. “What are you thinking?”

“We run him dry. We ask for more drugs than he could have on hand and we say we need it by a certain time or he doesn’t get his money. He’ll have to leave campus or send someone to get more. We find out who all of a sudden took a quick trip to see Mommy, and we’ll be closer to finding him.”

“I like it,” said Clay. “Only issue is this can’t be connected to us. We can’t ask for the drugs and we can’t get anyone else involved.”

“Let me take care of that,” said Royal. “Em, come with me. We need to talk.”

Royal left without waiting to see if I’d follow. I twisted around to kiss Clay and then hopped off the bed. Royal ducked into his room and held the door open.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I talked to Rio about the list. You’ll have it by next week.”

“That’s it? Just like that?”

“I doubt it’s ‘just like that’ but he didn’t give me the details. All that matters is you’ll have the full list of the people your parents defrauded.”

“What did you say to convince him?”

“Something about your parents using their victims’ lost assets to hide out. Those summer homes a few of the Raveners said bye to is a good place to lie low.”

“The way that mind works is incredibly hot, Royal Cruz.”

Backing up, he said, “You know I’m a ‘show, don’t tell’ kind of guy.” He cocked his head at the bathroom and that was it. We were naked and in the shower in two minutes flat.

The next morning, Brandon and I bumped into each other on the way to the elevator.

“B, you still on for the party this weekend? Hiro says he’s back in business, so we’ll have decent food. You’ve turned me on to that cream soda stuff.”

“I start trends, Brandon. I step into people’s lives and make them better with my ways.”

He rolled his eyes. “I start drinking one soda and the lady thinks I can’t be without her.”

“You can’t.”

Brandon and I fell into normal conversation as we made for breakfast.

“How are your sisters? Still loving Wesley Middle?”

“They do actually,” he replied. “Chloe and Layla want to Copyright 2016 - 2024