The Sinners - Ruby Vincent Page 0,46

the middle, struggling to hold her back.

“Watch your fucking mouth, Winchester!” Camila roared.

Coach’s whistle cut through the air. “What on earth is going on?!”

“It’s them, Coach,” I grunted. Camila was tiny, but damn was she strong. “They said that Eli’s battered face was the funniest thing they’ve ever seen and that Leo should have finished the job.”

Whistle falling out of her mouth, Sutton’s eyes bulged. “They said— How dare you! Both of you, locker room now! Let’s see how funny you think assault is when you’re scrubbing the grout with a toothbrush!”

“But, Coach, we didn’t!”

“We never said that!”

Sutton marched the pleading girls off the court, bellowing the whole way.

Camila goggled at me. “Wow, Em.”

Smirking, I made a show of dusting off my sleeves. “See? There are better ways to handle those girls that won’t land you in Hart’s office.”

“You’re good.”

We tapped knuckles. As we stepped up to the first tee, I knew without a doubt, we were friends.

MY LAST CLASS OF THE day was precalc. I caught Hiro looking at me a few times and my mind flashed to what he planned to talk to me about.

What doesn’t he want to talk to me about? That day in Caesar’s garage was a nightmare that almost ended permanently for Hiro—because of me. He was right to want to stay far away from Bancrofts. We’ve brought nothing but pain into his life.

A steady chime interrupted Mrs. Turner’s explanation of the homework.

“Okay, class,” she announced. “Complete the practice problems at the end of the chapter. If you need help, I’ll be in the tutoring room today and tomorrow.”

A chorus of zippers, scraped tile, and chatter about afternoon plans filled the room. I bent over, shoving my notes and textbook in my bag.

“Bancroft.” A pair of sneakers planted themselves next to me. “You ready?”

“Um, yeah.”

I threw the last pencil in and stood. Hiro swung around before I got a read on his face. I had no choice but to follow him into the hall, down the stairs, and past where I’d turn for my locker. He didn’t speak the whole way.

“Hiro?” I asked. “What’s up? Where are we going?”


I waited for more. Got nothing.

I’ll find out soon enough.

Hiro took me out to the pavilion. He climbed the steps and stopped, not allowing me past.



Hiro faced forward, his back to me. “I’m sorry.”

I blinked.

“No.” He turned and looked me in the eye. “I’m sorry.”

“You’re... sorry?” Saying it out loud didn’t help me understand either.

He dropped his head, looking to where he gripped his bad arm. “For that day in your room. Grabbing you and almost breaking your box. You didn’t know where your parents were and it wasn’t right even if you did. So... I’m sorry.”

I was quiet for a long time. “What happened to real men don’t apologize?”

He shook his head, still not looking at me. “Real men don’t believe seven letters can make up for their mistakes. And it doesn’t. I’m sorry isn’t good enough, but I’ll give it to you anyway if it helps at all to make us good.”

Hiro backed into the pavilion. Slowly I trailed him, taking a seat on the wooden bench opposite.

“I was worse than a dick to you,” he said, “and I was ready to pay for it when Rio pulled his gun. What you told him about your sister—”

My jaw clenched.

“Right there.” He gestured to me. “That look in your eye. I know that look. I know what it took to give up your secret.”

“You know? How?”

Hiro’s voice was steady and clear. “I know because I’m the reason my parents are dead.”


And then I saw it. In his eyes, burning so clear it’s a wonder I didn’t see it before. That look. The one I saw every morning. The one that said nothing would ever be all right again.

“I’m sorry, Hiro,” I rasped. I wouldn’t ask for details. I knew better than that.

He nodded. “You saved my life, Bancroft. I was wrong about you. I understand if we can’t be cool like you are with Clay, Cas, and Royal, but as for me, you and I are good.” He stood up. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do.”


He halted on the steps.

My lips quirked up in a smile. “I could use more cream soda.”

“It’s free for you.”

“Oooh. Oh, yeah. This will be the start of a beautiful friendship.”

He barked a laugh. Hiro turned to me and I saw for the first time—

His smile.

“CAMILA SAID YOU GOT Brynn and Pomona a week’s detention.” Clay’s nose Copyright 2016 - 2024