The Sinners - Ruby Vincent Page 0,48

move up to Wesley High with their friends but Mom made it clear they’re going to the academy if they get in.” He glanced around the wide expanse of wealth and privilege. “I don’t get a vote, but they should go to high school with their friends. At least they’ll have them watching their backs. My sisters shouldn’t have to put up with the crap OB kids deal with here.”

“They shouldn’t,” I agreed. “The way things are around here proves how busted this town is. It’s insane the way we treat each other, and for what? I was thinking the other day how little this Ravener/OB stuff will matter once we’re free of this place.”

“New York is calling me, B. I’ll be just as broke and struggling as most of the people there and it’ll be glorious.”

I cracked a smile. “Exactly.”

Brandon and I joined the lunch line and walked away with chocolate hazelnut crepes, bacon, a side of fruit, and vanilla pudding.

“The food is so good here,” I said. We headed up to the senior loft. “That’s one thing I don’t miss about Wesley High. We...” I trailed off.

Brandon didn’t ask why. Our gaze fell on the same boggling sight.

Julian, Pomona, Nolan, Brynn, and Destiny were sitting and eating like it was no big deal—at the Angels’ table.

“What the hell?” Brandon hissed. “What are they doing?”

Julian zeroed in on me like he’d been waiting for me to arrive. The smugness in his grin turned my stomach. He was looking forward to the shit he was about to cause.

“This is what I’m talking about,” Brandon growled. “These guys stir up crap for no damn reason. We can’t get one day off.”

I had to agree. I knew a power play when I saw one. Clay and Cassius shut him up in front of everyone and Julian was bouncing back to show he was still in charge and the Angels couldn’t do a thing about it.

I stomped up to them. “What are you trying to prove, Julian?” I shot off. “That testosterone really is poison? No one is interested in the fight you’re trying to start.”

“Look at this. Backwater Slut is rushing to her owners’ defense,” Pomona taunted.

“Sit down, bitch,” Brynn snapped. “Sutton made us clean the entire gym because of you.”

“You were so busy lying on us, you didn’t give us a chance to warn you this was coming,” said Pomona. “We’re sick of gangbanger trash making us feel unsafe in our own school.”

“Sit down, Em.” Julian didn’t pause in cutting his crepe. The guy was the picture of calm. “We’re just sitting here eating our breakfast. If the Angels start a fight over that, it’s them with the problem, not us.”

Brandon took hold of my arm. “Let’s go, B,” he said under his breath. “You’re not getting them up. They want the Angels’ attention, let them have it.”

He had a point. They weren’t going to get up because I told them to.

I let Brandon lead me away. Camila and Gabriel were at our table, fixed on the same group as the rest of the seniors.

“I tried to get them up too,” said Gabriel. “You can see how well that worked.”

“Forget it.” I took my seat next to Camila, facing the Raveners. “Half of them are on probation. They can’t afford to get into a fight and they know it.”

“But they’re fine with my brothers starting a fight and taking the blame.” Camila glared a hole in Nolan’s head. “You know Hart isn’t about to expel all of them. Especially not Julian.”

“Yeah, I know,” I replied.

I no sooner finished speaking than Royal’s raven crown crested the stairs. On his wings were Cassius, Clay, and Hiro.

“I kinda like this table,” Julian said loudly. “Nice view out of the window. Right under the vent. The Raveners sit here now.”

A hush fell over the loft. All eyes pinned on the Angels.

Neither Royal, Cassius, Clay, nor Hiro slowed their stride. The boys strode past them without throwing their table a single glance. Dozens of heads swiveled watching them walk right up to our table. Cassius, Clay, and Hiro sat in the remaining free seats. Royal put down his tray, scooped me up, and plopped me in his lap. The boys carried on eating.

I flicked from the Angels to Julian’s darkening face. They didn’t touch him. Look at him. Or breathe his air. Yet the Angels showed him up all the same. The Raveners looked like petty children provoking a fight over a table, while the Angels Copyright 2016 - 2024