Short Stack - Lily Morton Page 0,54

suite, and we’re going to spend the night there tonight and meet everyone in Mallorca tomorrow.”

I stare at him. “Asa Jacobs, you old romantic.” I grin in delight as he blushes. Then I push him down and roll on top of him.

“What are you doing?” he mutters. “Jude, we haven’t got time.”

“We can do our vows here,” I say quickly.


I nod. “I want to do it here.”

“Is it because you don’t want to bother getting dressed?”

I laugh. “You know me so well.” I stare down at him. “No, I want to make our vows here at the kitchen table where we’ve had all our important conversations. I want to say them in the centre of our world.”

A slow smile crosses his face. “If I live to be a hundred, I will never guess what’s going to come out of your mouth.”

I snuggle into him. “Bet you could guess at what’s going into it.”

He pinches me, and I flinch away, laughing. Then I crawl out from under the table and stand up. “Okay, get comfortable, and when I say that, I mean don’t even think about getting dressed.” He lies back and fists his cock lazily, and I swallow hard. “Okay, I like your version of comfortable. Let’s go with that.” He laughs, and I turn away. “I’m making tea and toast and getting some cushions, and then we can have our board meeting.”

Five minutes later, I sit cross-legged against a mound of cushions piled on the floor by the table and nibble my toast and marmalade, my gaze focussed where he’s lounging in all his naked glory.

“I must say I like this board meeting,” he murmurs, taking a sip of his tea. “It beats a lot of the business meetings I’ve had in my life.”

I smile happily. “I think we should have a Jacobs board meeting every month just like this.” I pause. “Only we’ll do it in our room with the door locked. It might get dodgy down here if Peggy’s frying chips.” He laughs loudly, and I sneak an affectionate glance at him. I love making him laugh. When he stops, he sits up slightly and puts his tea down, and I smile. “Okay, how do you want this to go?”

He looks at me with an endearingly serious look on his face. “I want us to make our own promises to each other about our marriage that have nothing to do with the formal words we’ll have to say at the registry office.” I nod, thinking hard, and he smiles. “How about I go first because I’ve had longer to think about this than you?”

He sits forward, and I swallow at the gentle, intent look on his face. His eyes are soft and as full of love as I’ve ever seen them. He reaches out and takes my hand.

“I promise that I will never moan when you put your cold feet on me in bed.” I snort at the unexpected comment, and he grins. I already love these vows. They’re real, like us. “I promise that if you’re not wearing a jumper when it’s cold that I will always wear one because you will invariably insist on nicking it when you’re freezing. As an addendum, I promise to carry on ignoring the fact that my jumpers and T-shirts seem to disappear out of my wardrobe and into yours, never to be seen again.”

I shake my head. “Your stuff is so comfortable.”

He bites his lip. “Are we interrupting vows now?” I make a zipping motion across my mouth, and he smiles. “I promise to cook paella once a month the way your mum taught me and to make time for each other despite the chaos of our house, which is busier than Piccadilly Circus. I vow always to follow you when I’m on location, and you want to drag me off to any historical site that happens to be nearby.” His gaze softens. “I promise always to keep that lift I get when I’m coming home, and I know you’re there waiting. I promise to always love the dreamy face you get when you’re reading and the fact that I have to ask you the same thing thirty times before you hear me.” He swallows hard. “I promise to always remember that you’re precious to me and are the centre of my life so you’re not sidelined by mess and noise.”

I kiss him warmly. “That was beautiful.” I sit up. “My turn.” I think hard and grin. “I promise Copyright 2016 - 2024