Short Stack - Lily Morton Page 0,53

him in the side. “Talk fast, Jacobs, and make it good.”

He rises up on his elbows. “It’s simple. Today is the day when I want us to take our vows. I’ve booked the Chelsea Registry Office because it’s a really pretty old building.” He shrugs. “I can’t wait any longer.”

“But what happened to all your grandiose plans for the wedding of the century?”

He shrugs awkwardly. “I realised that it was for show. What I really want is you and me and our friends and family, and I want forever to start today.”

I melt inside, and the fucker knows it, judging by the smile that’s ticking at the side of his mouth. I pinch him. “Stop smirking. You know I can’t resist you when you use your words.”

“Does that mean you’ll do it?” He looks suddenly anxious, and I run a comforting hand down his side.

“You know it does,” I say quietly, feeling the sag as he relaxes. I reach up and kiss him slowly. “I’d marry you right this fucking second, Asa Jacobs. I’ve said all along that I wanted something simple.”

We smile at each other and then I laugh. “Fuck. I’m getting married today. Me. Jude Bailey. Who’d have thought it?”

“Jude Jacobs,” he reminds me, and I smile and nod. “Are you sure you don’t mind dropping the Bailey?”

“Asa, we had a very long, serious, and did I forget to mention, very long conversation about this last week. I told you I want the same name as you and Billy.”

He hugs me tight suddenly, kissing the side of my head. “I love you so fucking much,” he says quietly. “You make me so happy.”

“Good,” I say softly. “It’s nice to know I give back what you give me.”

We rest together for a second, and then I stir. “What time are we getting married?”

“Two o’clock.”

“And where is everyone? Have they gone to sort out their outfits?” He looks suddenly shifty, and I shake my head. “Tell me now. Make it quick.”

His mouth quirks before he turns serious. “They’ve gone to get ready in a hotel. I know you might have wanted us all to get ready together, but I opted for this instead.”

“What?” I try to sit up, and he pulls me down again.

“We have family and close friends for the wedding who are meeting us at the registry office, and then about a hundred friends are also on their way to Mallorca. They’re going to stay for a week in the local area. We’re joining them tomorrow, and there will be a massive party, so put your surprised and delighted face on.” I immediately assume the expression, and he shakes his head ruefully. “That’s your blowjob face. Oh, well. Lucky me.”

“But why aren’t they here now? Won’t Billy mind?”

He sits up slightly and grabs my face between his big palms. “Listen very carefully, Jude, because this is very serious to me.” I nod, and he smiles, kissing me before drawing back. “I’m marrying you, Jude. You’re the love of my life, and this marriage is ours. We’ll share our lives with everyone else, and I love that you love that, but this marriage must be ours first. So, it should be just us at the beginning like it will be just us at the end, love.”

“Don’t mention the end,” I say hoarsely.

He smiles tenderly. “Sweetheart, when I close my eyes for the last time, I’ll be a happy man if I’m near you. That’s something we should celebrate, not fear.” He shakes his head. “Tell me you understand. I want just you and me before we do this.”

“But won’t Billy be devastated to miss all the build-up?”

“No,” he scoffs. “As long as he’s there for the wedding and we put him near cake, he won’t care. He was very excited about everyone going to the hotel. Besides, Billy will grow up and leave home and it will just be us. I thought it was important to start with the basis of everything, which is you and me.”

I hug him tight, pushing my face into his tanned neck where I can smell amber and lavender. “I love you so much,” I say fiercely.

“Does that mean you’ll do it?”

“Of course.”

He stirs. “In that case, we have to go.”

“Go where? It’s not even twelve yet.”

“We’re going to another hotel.”


“Because the registry office will be fairly impersonal, so I want to exchange our vows on our own. Our own personal vows that we might not want others to hear. I’ve booked us a Copyright 2016 - 2024