Short Stack - Lily Morton Page 0,38

thanks at the barmaid as she hands me my change, and pass some of the drinks to Jim. “You take those,” I say. “We’ll bring the rest.”

He shoots an unpleasant look at Hayden and hesitates. It’s written all over his face what he thinks, and I wonder how I’ve missed all of this: Jim’s dissatisfaction and Jude’s concerned jealousy. I must be as blind as a fucking bat. But not anymore. Now I know, things will change.

I spoke to Hayden earlier about the lie over the phone call. He explained it lightheartedly, almost as if it had been a joke. But he was too glib, and uneasiness twists my insides. I hate this. I’m a simple man. I want to be with Jude and Billy, I want my friends around me, and I want to act. I look sideways at a man I’ve known for so many years – a man whose bed I shared many times. I shake my head. He’s my friend, and I’m not convinced that he’s doing this to get me back, but if it comes down to it, and he makes trouble between Jude and me, then he’s out. I shake my head at the silly notion. It’s just Jude being jealous.

Thinking of my man, I turn to the table and come up short when I see his empty chair. My gaze tracks the dance floor, expecting to see him out there with the crew, making them laugh. He’s so funny and quick and warm that he’s usually surrounded by people. My brow furrows when I can’t see him, and then I shrug. Maybe he nipped to the loo.

I grab some of the glasses and motion to Hayden to give me a hand. He smiles easily and follows me obediently, but something in that smile looks a bit smug. I glance back at him, and it’s gone. He’s just his old easy-going self.

I dump the drinks on the table and look around. Connor is walking towards me, and I smile. “Have you seen Jude?” I startle as he grabs my arm and pulls me away from Hayden.

Connor shoots him a fulminating glare and then looks up at me. “He’s gone.”

“Who’s gone? Jude?” I ask stupidly. He nods. “Where?”

He shrugs. “I don’t know. Hayden was talking to him for a while. It didn’t look particularly friendly, and then Jude grabbed his jacket and walked out.”

I run my hands through my hair agitatedly, knocking strands out of the knot. “But why?”

“Listen, Asa, I’m not trying to tell you your business, but I like you and Jude very much. You’re a fantastic couple, and you give me hope that I can have that too.” I nod dumbly, and he leans in. “That’s why I’m telling you to watch Hayden. He’s a fucking liar, mate. He’s after you, and he’s playing you. I don’t know what you were once, but it’s pretty fucking obvious that you’re not into him now.” He pauses. “The trouble is, the way he behaves, that fact isn’t obvious to Jude. I don’t know what he said, but it looked like a heated conversation. I think you’d better get off and find your man.”

I nod again and smile a weak thanks as he pats my arm and goes back to the dance floor. I stare unseeingly at the table before rage kindles and I move towards Hayden.

He looks up, smiling. “Alright? Where’s Jude? Is it his bedtime?” He snorts. “Never mind, I’m sure you’ll help with his homework. He looks like he might need it.”

This isn’t the first remark he’s made like this about Jude’s age and intelligence, but I’d written it off as the sort of banter that’s rife on film sets. Now my eyes narrow because I see the meanness in his mouth and eyes that I’ve missed before. I grab his arm and tug him after me as I make for the door.

Once we’re outside, I push him against the wall. “Talk.”

He stares at me intently. His eyes are black, and he looks at my lips fixedly.

Shit. Jude was right. I groan and push away from him. “What have you done?”

“What do you mean?”

“What did you say to Jude?” Dread is curdling in my stomach.

He shrugs, leaning back against the wall. “I just told him some facts.”

The dread chills to ice. “You told him about us, didn’t you?”

Hayden smiles. “Of course. I was surprised you hadn’t told him, to be honest.” I flinch because that’s on me. He stares at me. “He Copyright 2016 - 2024