Short Stack - Lily Morton Page 0,39

needed to know anyway.”

“Why?” I say hoarsely. “Why did he have to know?”

His head shoots up. “Because he needs to move on and leave us together.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” In my agitation, I run my hands through my hair, and it falls loose. “There is no us. The only us is Jude and me.”

Before I can say anything, he shoots off the wall and grabs me, pushing me against the wall and crowding me in. My reflexes are dulled by drink, and it takes me a second to work out what’s happening. Unfortunately, it’s enough time for him to kiss me. He groans as our lips touch, and his tongue licks across my lips. Then I come to my senses and shove him back with all my strength. He falls back and bounces off a picnic table like he’s in a pinball machine. I wish the lights would go off and he’d disappear, but that’s not going to happen.

I scrub my hand over my mouth. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I ask hoarsely. “What the hell gives you the right to touch me, you fucking moron?”

He laughs in a startled way. “Come on, Asa, there’s no need to hide it anymore. I know you still have feelings for me. We were good together. We could be again, now that Jude’s probably back at the hotel packing.”

A shudder runs through me. Surely Jude isn’t leaving me. Doubt kindles. He’s probably angry enough to leave. After all, I’ve done a fucking stellar job of pushing him away so far – letting Jim pick him up, sitting in a bar with Hayden rather than being with him. I shiver. Not telling him the truth. That’s Jude’s red line. He likes the unvarnished truth, and has a mortal fear of lies, claiming they ruin relationships. What have I done?

Worry turns to rage, and I glare at Hayden. “You did this,” I say harshly. “Jude warned me, but because you were a friend, I thought he was overdoing it. But he was right, you fucking wanker. If you’ve damaged Jude and me, you’d better hide well, because I’ll make you regret it.”

He shakes his head, that fucking smug smile still on his lips. “Come off it, Asa. It’s just us here. Admit it. You still have feelings for me. They’ve never gone away. I know I fucked us up by not coming out when you wanted, but I’m here now. It’s our turn.”

“This is like The Twilight Zone, you fuckwit. You seem to think we had one of those great tragic love stories, when in fact we were just friends that fucked.” I shake my head. “You weren’t the only one at that time, and you knew it. So in between the men and women, when exactly did you have time to ruin my fucking life?” I scoff. “When you finished it, I didn’t feel anything but a vague relief that we could go back to being friends.” I shrug. “We weren’t even good in that department. I didn’t miss you while you were gone, and I won’t miss you when you go again.” I feel regret that we’re doing this, but he’s tried to force a rift between me and my person. The man who’s my real best friend.

“I won’t go again,” he snarls. “We’re meant for each other.”

“No. Jude and I are meant to be together. He’s my best friend, and if he leaves, the sorrow I’ll feel will be like a tsunami compared to the trickle I felt when you went.” I look sadly at him. “Fuck off, Hayden. We were friends a long time ago, but now you’re nothing to me.”

“Asa,” he says pleadingly, but I’m done, and I move past him and stride down the street.

I have to find Jude. I’ll grab a taxi, and hopefully, I can get to the hotel in time to stop him leaving. Pain spasms in my gut at the thought of losing him. As I look frantically up and down the street for a taxi, I hear a familiar husky laugh.

I turn slowly and then stare in disbelief. The love of my life is hanging on the arm of a strange man as they meander down the street together. What the fuck?


The call from behind me startles me, and I pause and turn, only to groan as I see a huge blast from my past. “Malachi,” I say resignedly. “How are you?”

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