She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,63

her, and she moaned, actually moaned like a cat in heat. Her back hit the door, and his grin broadened.

“You’re all sweaty.” She meant to say it with disgust, but instead it came out like a breathy moan. Really though, she didn’t care that he was sweaty. It was the good, clean kind, and she wanted all that damp, hard flesh pressed against her.

He leaned forward and whispered so close to her mouth she felt it all the way to her core.

“You like it when I’m like this.” His tongue came out and ran along her bottom lip. “It reminds you of having sex with me.”

God. He was right.

He slid his hand down her back and cupped her ass through her thin dress. “It makes you think of my cock buried deep in your tight little pussy.”

A soft mewl left her lips at his dirty words. God, the way he talked, like a filthy pervert, was so hot she felt her pussy become wetter by the second. Keira reached up and curled her hands around his shoulders, digging her nails into his hot flesh until he hissed in pleasure.

“Or we can take a shower together? Get all nice and clean.”

He didn’t need to say it again. Hell, she would have fucked him all sweaty up against the front door every day and twice on Sunday.

Her pussy was wet, and her nipples stabbed through the material of her dress. The grin he gave her couldn’t be called anything but panty-dropping.

Taking her hand in his, Reese all but dragged her to the bathroom. Anticipation and arousal coursed through every inch of her.

Their apartment was small, only one bedroom, a small bathroom, and a kitchen and living room that were pretty much the same room. It was old, and the carpet was from the seventies, but it was clean, close to the university, and in a decent part of town. It was also theirs, and as long as Keira got to experience all of this with Reese, she wouldn’t have cared where they lived.

When she’d decided to live off campus and outside of home, she knew Reese would be right with her. He was too possessive to let her be alone, and that was something she was more than okay with. And then they moved in together. And here they were, living together, sex as their favorite anytime activity, and working on getting their degrees.

When her parents found out they’d be living together, they’d been less than thrilled, as was her brother, but she was an adult and able to make her own decisions. And after she’d told them that, because they knew what her and Reese shared wasn’t some passing fling, she knew they were happy for them.

She stepped into the small enclosure. She shut the door, sealing them in, and said nothing as she watched him walk over to the shower and turn it on. The way his back muscles moved under his skin had her pussy clenching in need. He was so masculine.

He looked over his shoulder at her, and Keira snapped her focus from his muscles to look into his eyes. Her cheeks heated at the look he gave her. She’d been caught checking out the goods.

He faced her fully, and without saying a word, just sporting that sexy-as-sin grin, Reese pushed down his sweats. His cock sprang forth all hard and ready, and she lost all coherent thought. He grabbed his shaft and started stroking himself from root to tip, and it was after a second of watching Reese pleasure himself that she realized he’d been talking.

She snapped her head up and stared into his eyes. “What?” Her voice squeaked after she forced that lone word out.

He growled low and took a step toward her. “You need my help taking care of something, baby?”

Her sex clenched painfully and she licked her lips before nodding. He was in front of her a second later, this intense expression on his face. She lifted her arms as he pulled up her dress and took it off her body.

“Mmhmm.” He went for her bra next, his movement slow and steady… sensual. “I’ll never get enough of you, of this.” He stroked his fingers down her skin as he pushed her panties off next, and that had her brain turning to mush.

Goose bumps formed along her body, and she shivered, reaching out to grip onto his wide shoulders for support.

“You inspire me,” he murmured right before he leaned in and kissed the side Copyright 2016 - 2024