She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,64

of her neck.

“Is that right?” she prompted softly, her head tilted to the side to give him better access, her voice low with need, and her eyes closed as she absorbed how he made her feel.

“Mmhmm. You inspire me all the damn time, baby.”

Another shiver wracked her body.

He ran his tongue along her throat, and she couldn’t hold back the moan.

He had a hand curled around her hip and pulled her forward. Now that they were both naked, the feel of his warm skin and all those hard muscles had a fresh gush of arousal spilling from between her thighs. She wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her belly even more against his raging hard-on.

She didn’t care about anything but feeling him inside her. He kissed a path of fire down the side of her face and to her throat.

“Mmm, your taste and smell drives me crazy. I’m so hard for you I can’t fucking think straight, baby.”

Keira closed her eyes and sighed when his big, warm hands covered her breasts. When he stilled, she opened her eyes to look up into his face. His eyes were lowered to her breasts, and because he had his rapt attention on them, she felt her nipples harden even more.

She gasped when his fingers pinched her nipples, pulling at the turgid flesh. She bit her lip, holding in the moan that threatened to spill out.

“You drive me fucking insane.” And then he latched his mouth back onto her throat, and murmured, “You know how many times I have to stop myself from beating the shit out of all the assholes at school because I catch them checking you out?”

She gasped as pleasure coursed through her. She couldn’t deny it turned her on to know that. He slid his hand lower, along her belly, over her hip, and placed his open palm right on her pussy. She rose on her toes as sensation slammed into her.

“Tell me you’re mine.”

“You know I am,” she whisper-moaned.

“I want to fucking hear you say it,” he demanded. He added pressure to her clit, and she mewled.

“I’m yours.”

“That’s right, baby. You’re fucking mine.” His mouth was on hers, and for long moments, they just made out, her back to the cold, hard door, the room filling with steam from the shower.

“Fuck me, Reese.”

He growled like some kind of animal, and then he was backing away and leading her into the shower. The water was hot, just the way she liked it, and the steam and humidity billowed around them. The tile was cold against her back when he pressed her against it and claimed her mouth again. His tongue stroked over hers, and he had his hand between her legs again as he teased her clit.

He murmured against her damp lips, “Does that feel good, baby?”

“You know it does,” she breathed out harshly.

And he did, because the way he played her body was with the same expertise a maestro conducted his orchestra.

He slipped his fingers inside her easily and then over and over pumped those digits into her pussy at the same time he moved his thumb along her clit. The way he rubbed that tiny nub had her grasping his shoulders and digging her nails into his flesh until he hissed.

“That’s it, my girl.”

Never once did he stop thrusting those long, thick digits into her clenching pussy, not until her high dissipated and she was left standing there wilted and breathless.

Only then did he pull his fingers from her body to bring the digits up so she could see how they glistened with her arousal. And then he slowly brought them to his mouth.

Reese sucked them clean, not breaking eye contact. He could fuck her with just a look, and that was exactly what he did. Without saying anything, Reese gripped her behind the thighs, right at the crease of her ass, and lifted her easily.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, and their mouths crashed against the other’s as if magnets pulled them together. Their kiss was hard and demanding and filled with so much passion she wanted him to burn from it. She felt him move his hand between their bodies and place the tip of his cock at the opening of her pussy. Without breaking the kiss, he pushed inside her in one fluid, hard stroke. He was hot and hard and filled every inch of her body.

Reese held her hips tightly as he used her body as leverage to thrust into her. And she accepted—took—all of him.

Back and forth, he thrust his hips, filling her with his thick cock then retreating just as quickly.

“Tell me how much you love me,” he grunted against her lips, his breathing just as harsh as hers was.

“I love you more than anything.” The words were broken up as they spilled from her. She mewled as he hit something deliciously deep within her.

Her breath came in short gasps the harder and faster Reese fucked her. Her breasts rubbed along the hard definition of his chest, their sweat mingled, and she knew she was only a few short thrusts away from coming.

“Look at me.”

Not realizing she’d closed her eyes, Keira opened them and stared into Reese’s dark-brown ones.

She felt herself falling all over again for this boy.

“I want to watch you come.”

And that was all it took. Those words uttered from the man she loved and she was falling over the edge. Her mouth parted on its own as she sucked in a ragged breath, her head kicked back and rested against the wall, and she let him take her sanity.

Reese cupped the back of her head then moved his other hand down to mold against her ass. He groaned, and on the third thrust, he buried all those hard, monstrous inches into her.

The guttural sound that left him was primal and animalistic.

It was long minutes as he held her up against the wall, his cock starting to soften, his cum deep in her body. He slowly, gently set her on her feet, keeping his arm wrapped around her waist and her body to his. The water was starting to get cold, but his body was so hot she barely registered the frigidness of those droplets.


She tilted her head back and looked into his eyes, and for a while, he just stared at her. He lifted his hand and cupped her cheek, smoothing his thumb along her skin.

“In my life, I’ve never loved anything or anyone more than you.” He leaned in and kissed her, as if sealing those words.

And just like that, she fell in love with him all over again.

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