She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,62

hand and placed it over his heart. “I now understand what it means to have the world at your fingertips, to know that without the person you love more than anything else in the world, you’re nothing but an empty shell. I now realize the depth of emotion the one person you love creates inside you.”

He pulled her in, kissing her deeply, soundly.

And just like that, in a matter of minutes, all the pain and heartache, all the loneliness and worry, vanished. The world righted itself, and she felt whole once again.

He was right. They were young, and everything had moved at lightning speed, but there was no doubt in her mind or her heart that this was exactly where she was meant to be.

With Reese.


One year later

Twelve months. That’s how much time had passed since everything had gone down, since her and Reese had professed all the deep things they felt for each other… twelve months since things felt perfect.

Keira tightened her hold on the shopping bags and took the stairs up to the small apartment she shared with Reese. The place was only five minutes from Black Mountain University, where she attended, and close enough to family and friends that when she missed them it was easier to make the time.

Once at the top of the landing, she juggled the keys and plastic bags of groceries in her hands as she tried to unlock the front door. A second later, it swung open, and Reese stood on the other side in nothing but a pair of gray sweats.

Here he is, dressing like a slut.

That thought slammed into her head with so much force the air left her lungs.

And what a fine-looking slut he is.

And he’s all mine.

God, arousal licked through her instantly as she let her gaze lower to his crotch. Nothing was left to the imagination. Nothing.

When she trailed her gaze back up and over his chest, she noticed how his skin glistened with sweat. His hair was wet, the dark strands standing on end.

God. So good.

An involuntary sigh left her at the sight, and she clenched her thighs together when he gave her a smirk, one that lifted the corner of his mouth in a very cocky manner that said he knew exactly what she was thinking.

They’d spent the entire summer getting to know each other better, learning the little things about one another… realizing there was actually someone out there made for them.

And it was those little details, the mundane secrets that made up the man she loved, that she yearned for.

He liked rocky road ice cream but didn’t eat the almonds. He liked ketchup but hated tomatoes. Classic rock was his favorite genre of music.

But with happiness there was also that side of uncertainty, and that came from her parents and Alex.

They were wary but supportive of their relationship, so at the end of the day, she was grateful they just wanted her happy.

But even happiness couldn't last forever, and that was once again evident when Reese’s father, Hugo, had been arrested on an outstanding warrant. Prison was inevitable.

With Hugo out of the picture, Reese’s mother was now in a recovery program and getting some much-needed help. In the past year, she’d improved dramatically, but everyone knew she still had a long road ahead of her. And Keira would stay by his side no matter what, be supportive to him as he navigated these times, and let him know that no matter what, she loved him.

So much.

When Reese pulled her inside and shut the door behind them, all thoughts of the shit that happened in the last year vanished. The look on his face was one she was all too familiar with.

It was feral and heated and told her that Reese wanted one thing from her.

It’s what I want too.

Keira set the bags on the floor and let that desire move through her, claiming every ounce of sanity she had. Because when she gave herself over to Reese, no one needed to be sane.

He took a predatory step toward her, that grin growing, the heat from his body spearing into her so forcefully she sucked in a gasp.

It should have been illegal for a guy to look that good without a shirt on.

“You’re looking at me like you’re hungry, baby.”

Her mouth watered. She was hungry. Starving.

Keira could feel the adrenaline and testosterone pouring from him. He was all man right now as he stared at her with a feral intensity. That male scent enveloped Copyright 2016 - 2024