She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,38

this drowsy, or maybe ultra-aroused, expression covering his face. And his lips were red and slightly swollen, and Keira knew hers must have looked the same way.

They sure as hell felt like it. They tingled, were sensitive, and she knew she’d taste him on her tongue for the rest of the day.

When a few of the seniors whistled and started saying lewd things, she could see it bothered Reese. His body blocked hers from the guys who were catcalling, and the muscle that ticked under his jaw let her know he was protective, possessive.

“Ignore them,” she whispered.

He exhaled roughly and said, “It’s hard to when I know they’re looking at you, when I know they wish they were in my place.”

She could have snorted at his words. Them wanting her? Unlikely. But with the seriousness on his face, she sobered.

“I’m so far off anyone's radar.” She ducked her head, but he placed a finger under her chin, lifting her head back up so she stared into his eyes.

He slowly shook his head. “You should hear some of the shit those assholes say about you. They see you. They notice you. They fucking want you.” He looked pissed again, and she couldn’t help but smile.

She didn’t know if she believed him, but it didn’t matter. She wanted to reassure Reese that he was the only one she wanted. “They don’t matter.”

“No?” he asked and lifted a brow, his eyes on her lips. “And why’s that?”

“Because I’m yours,” she whispered, maybe too low for him to hear, but when he growled in approval, she felt her legs clench on their own.

“Only mine,” he murmured and leaned down to kiss her again and again and again.

Yes… yes, she was.

The first half of school went by in a blur, but that might have been because Keira had Reese and that parking lot kiss at the forefront of her brain.

The bell rang, and she grabbed her bag and books and headed out, stashing her stuff in her locker, and headed to the lunchroom. She saw Molly and Ian waiting for her by the cafeteria entrance, Ian as close as he could get to Molly as he whispered something in her ear. Molly in turn started giggling and blushed.

She stopped in front of the duo just as Molly said, “Hey. We’re heading off campus to eat. Wanna come?”

Keira looked past them to see if she could spot Reese. They’d been eating lunch together, mainly outside where they could be alone and not have the entire student body gawking at them, but her disappointment set in that she didn’t initially see him.

“Ugh, no, that’s okay. I was gonna just hang here—”

“With Reese? Again?” Ian prompted, and the look Keira gave him had him holding up his hands in surrender.

“You have no room to talk, Mr. Stuck to Molly’s Hip.”

They all started laughing, but then the amusement died as arousal took its place when she saw Reese step into the cafeteria from the other entrance. She’d never found guys who wore the school uniform as attractive. The standard-issued black slacks, white button-down shirt, and red blazer with the BMA crest embroidered on the lapel couldn’t be called anything but severe and formal. But the way Reese’s hard, very male body filled it out? Yeah, she felt that in every single inch of her body.

He looked around the cafeteria, seemingly for her, and she felt a smile spread across her face.

“Okay, that's our cue to leave,” Molly murmured. “When she gets that look in her eyes over Reese, nothing will pull her focus.”

“Oh man, Lindy has her sights set on your man, Keira,” Ian muttered, and Keira looked over to where Lindy was, the other girl’s focus latched right on Reese. She was like a dog who was starving and refused to take her eyes off Reese, even though he wasn’t her meal.

“She’s such a dirty bitch,” Keira said and heard the venom in her voice. She’d never hated anyone before, but jealousy made her loathe Lindy.

“Careful, that one has some claws on her.” Ian sounded a bit hesitant, but she couldn’t blame him.

Lindy was a vicious bitch.

She said bye to Molly and Ian and made her way into the cafeteria toward Reese. Nate stopped by him for only a second before he tipped his chin in her direction. Reese glanced over, and God, if a smile could kill, she’d be dead right now from the one he gave her. He pulled her in when she was close enough, Copyright 2016 - 2024