She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,37

Ian and Molly were spending so much time together--since there was no longer trouble in paradise—that Keira needed stuff to occupy her time.

She’d heard about Reese getting into another fight through the rumor mill at school, but he hadn’t bought it up, and she didn’t want to ask. He wasn’t a violent guy unless provoked, so whatever happened, he’d had good reason to do what he did.

Now on her way to school, she sat in the backseat of Molly’s car, Ian in the front seat, and listened to them talk about their plans this weekend. Keira stared out the window, not paying attention, because her mind was on other things… one specific person.

Over the last couple of weeks, she and Reese had taken things slow. They hadn’t done more than just making out, heavy petting, and some extremely intimate, sexual touching beneath the clothes. And as much as she wanted that—and Reese too, because he made it no secret—the fact that he stopped himself before things went further made her even more comfortable around him.

He could have had her ten times over already. But he wanted to wait, wanted to take things slow.

She appreciated that, but she was needy for him, desperate, and her body was on fire every single time he was around. She didn’t know if she could or would let him stop it the next time they were together and things were getting heated.

Molly pulled her BMW into the school parking lot and cut the engine. Keira searched for Reese’s truck, and when she spotted it, butterflies danced in her belly, and her heart did a little gallop in her chest.

He climbed out of the vehicle at the same time she did, and their eyes caught and held. The slow smile that spread across his face had her entire body lighting up tenfold.

God, a guy shouldn’t be that attractive.

The sound of car doors opening and closing were dim in comparison to her heart racing and her pulse thumping through her ears.

“See you at lunch,” Molly said, and when Keira peeked at her, she could see her friend glancing between her and Reese, a knowing smile on her face.

Keira nodded. “Yeah.”

She watched Molly and Ian walk into school, hand-in-hand, and then her attention was back to Reese. A student walked between them, her focus on the ground, the long fall of her hair obscuring her face. But Keira recognized her as the new girl, Violet.

Black Mountain Academy awarded a select number of scholarships per year. It had been between Reese and Violet. Reese had gotten it. Violet obviously didn’t have the funds to attend BMA, which was why she applied for the scholarship to begin with, but here she was… enrolled. The gossip at school was what Violet was doing in order to get the money to come here.

Her focus was pulled from Violet back to Reese when she saw him walking up to her. Although they didn’t do PDA at school, which they did plenty privately, the way he watched her made her think that might change today.

She could feel people watching them, but she’d long since stopped giving a shit.

He stopped right in front of her, and she wondered if he could hear her heart beating. It sounded so loud in her ears, like a drum being pounded during a war song.

“Hey,” he said in that deep, sexy drawl of his.

Her cheeks felt warm from the way he said that one word.

She stared at him. He stared at her. Keira felt the air change around them, become electrified, become alive with desire and attraction and animal magnetism.

And then Reese was moving closer, reaching out, slipping his hand behind her neck, and leaning down. His mouth pressed to hers, and for a second, she was stunned he’d done this in front of everyone, but then the world faded as his lips moved slowly, softly against hers.

She lost herself in everything that was Reese.

His kiss pushed everything else away, had her floating high above everyone else. He tasted like mint and male, and everything she wanted and needed. That first swipe of his tongue against the seam of her lips had her mouth parting and accepting what he wanted to give her.

When he pulled away, she leaned toward him, seeking Reese out and not ready to relinquish the pleasure he so readily gave her. She opened her eyes, feeling embarrassed that she hadn’t even realized they were still closed, and looked up at him. His gaze was half-lidded, Copyright 2016 - 2024