She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,36

tried to get a punch in, but he dodged it easily. He’d been fighting his whole life. This motherfucker didn’t have shit on him.

The struggle was half the fun, half the rush of the fight.

Sully swung again, and Reese ducked right before he was hit. The sound of flesh slamming into brick, of bone crunching, made a sickening noise. Sully howled in pain and stumbled back, cradling his wounded hand to his chest. Everyone started chanting, something loud and rhythmic. It was meant to get them worked up, and it was doing the fucking job.

“Gonna be hard to catch a fucking football with that fucked-up hand,” Reese goaded the asshole.

Despite Sully’s clearly broken appendage, he came at Reese again, his face a mask of fury.

Sully started swinging in a blind rage with his good hand, which was even worse, since it wasn’t his dominant one. In the next move, Sully’s fist connected with the side of Reese’s face. The punch kicked Reese’s head back, and blood instantly filled his mouth. His vision blurred momentarily. Reese shook his head and spit out the blood. Sully had a crazed look in his eyes, a grin spreading across his face.

“Hope you enjoyed that, bitch. That was your only hit you’re getting on me.”

“I want to tell you what I’m going to do once I’m done with you.” Sully moved back and forth, his eyes wild.

Reese ran his forearm over his split lip, no doubt smearing the blood.

“I’m going to show little prude Keira how a real man fucks.” Lowering his voice so there was no doubt only Reese could hear, Sully said, “I bet she’s a virgin, and I can already feel how it’ll be popping that sweet cherry—”

And that was it. No one talked about Keira that way. She was his.

No more fucking around, no more playing and toying with this fucker. Reese let out a roar and charged forward.

He was gonna fuck this asshole up until he was damn near dying at his feet.

Blood. That’s all Reese saw, all he smelled.

Reese charged after him, took his body to the ground, and slammed his fist into the side of Sully’s face. Reese’s muscles were filled with blood, bigger, stronger with adrenaline. His heart slammed fast and hard in his chest. He was in fight mode, and Sully had said the wrong fucking thing.

There was no stopping him.

Slamming his fist into Sully’s face over and over again, Reese could only see Keira in his mind. He had to protect her. His vision turned red, and a low hum surrounded him. It was then he realized the deep noise came from him.

He felt a set of arms lock around his upper body, but Reese wasn’t going to let anyone stop him from this. He swung out, connected with a body, and heard Nate curse from behind him. He was pulled back, but Reese broke free of the hold and went after Sully again. He was pulled off once more, Nate’s strength finally getting Reese far enough away from Sully that a few people could pull Sully farther away from Reese.

“Chill the fuck out, man,” Nate said in a low, deep voice right by his ear.

He turned then, his vision still fucked up from his rage.

“Shit, dude. This is number two in a short fucking timeframe,” Nate added.

His heart started to slow, the rage starting to lift as he closed his eyes and just breathed.

“What the fuck did Sully say to you that had you going all psycho on his ass?”

Reese opened his eyes and looked at Nate. “Keira” was all he said.

Nate’s brows furrowed for a second, but his face was set, and he nodded once. He looked over Reese’s shoulder at where Sully still lay. “Fuck him, then.”

Reese breathed out again and ran a hand over his hair, feeling sanity come back.

“Everyone get the fuck out of here. Show’s over,” Nate hollered, and everyone listened like he’d cracked a whip on their asses.

“Keira is the real deal, yeah?” Nate said it like he knew exactly what Reese felt. And he supposed his best friend did.

Reese exhaled once more, turned his head to spit out the remaining blood from his mouth, and when he looked at Nate again, he nodded slowly.

“Yeah, she’s the real fucking deal.”


The following couple of weeks passed in a blur, mainly because Keira had been keeping busy with assignments and projects at school, but also because Reese had been taking extra shifts at the tattoo parlor where he worked. And Copyright 2016 - 2024