She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,39

his thickly muscled arm around her waist. She had her hands on his chest, her head tilted back, and all she wanted was his kiss.

“Hey,” he whispered, but before she could say it back, he was giving her what she needed desperately.

His kiss.

“Okay, I’m getting the fuck out of here,” Nate said in a disgusted voice, and she felt Reese smile against her lips.

“Don’t mind him. He’s had something up his ass ever since the librarian—”

She pulled back and prompted, “Huh? The librarian? At the academy?”

He smirked and shook his head again. “Never mind. That’s some crazy shit right there.”

“Hey, Reese.” Lindy’s voice was saccharin and fake enough to rot out your teeth.

“Shit,” Reese said and took a step back from her, his arm still around Keira’s waist, so he pulled her back with him.

Lindy lowered her eyes to where he held Keira, and she didn’t miss the thinning of the other girl’s lips.

“You fucking sneak up on people like that normally?” Reese sounded annoyed. “Give us a heads-up next time.”

Keira held back her amusement as Lindy stormed away. Reese wasn't trying to be funny, but Keira found it hilarious that he called Lindy out on her creepy-ass self.

Lindy was dressed in a tiny cheerleading outfit. It was indecent, not regulation size, not with how she probably rigged it, snipped it, and made it as short as she could without showing tits and her pussy.

What Keira hated most, aside from Lindy’s lack of a decent personality, was the fact that she was so damn gorgeous. If she’d been ugly, or hell, at least plain like Keira saw herself, she wouldn't feel so… inadequate when her bitch-ass came by. But how did Reese not notice Lindy’s gorgeousness?

“Because she’s a conceited bitch and has as much depth as a puddle in the street,” Reese said, and Keira's face flamed at the fact that she’d actually said that thought out loud.

Oh. God.

Reese gave her this smoldering smile and leaned down, his lips by her ear. “No one compares to you.”

A shiver worked its way up her spine at the way he said that; all he had to do was string together a few words, and her body lit up. He pulled back, his face still so close to hers. The seriousness in his expression was tangible.

“Any girl compared to you?” He shook his head slowly. “No contest, Keira.” He brushed his finger along the side of her neck. “No fucking contest at all.” The gentle sweep of his finger along her skin had everything inside her coming awake.

Whatever the hell was going on between them was getting deeper for her, and at the end of the day, when the time came, she’d have to decide how far she was willing to take it—and she didn’t mean just physically.


The rest of the week passed fairly quickly, and after the awkward lunchroom incident with Lindy, Keira really hadn’t seen her. Thank God.

And all Keira could think about anymore was what she wanted to do with Reese… and how far she wanted to go. She liked him… a lot, and those feelings were starting to blur into something she’d never experienced before. She didn’t know what it was. Lust? No, that didn’t seem right. Love? She didn’t know. She’d never been in love before. But what she was very aware of was how she felt for Reese, the emotions that churned inside her when he was near, the way her body had a mind of its own when he touched her.

God, she was confused, but it was the best kind of unknowing she’d ever experienced.

And he liked her—that was clear. He wanted her; that was evident by how he watched her, touched her, kissed her. But how deep did it go for him?

She stared at herself in the mirror, smoothing her hands down her jeans, feeling her heart race. Maybe she should talk to him about all this? In reality, that was the most straightforward, realistic option. But she was afraid, terrified to know that maybe his feelings weren’t on the same level as hers.

And it was that fear that had her keeping things to herself. But for how long?

Her parents had left this afternoon to spend the weekend at their vacation home a few hours away. Reese was picking her up so they could spend some time together, and what was currently at the forefront of her mind was she had the house to herself.

She’d be alone. Even Sharon had the weekend off.

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