She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,26

she licked her bottom lip involuntarily, as if her body had a mind of its own. “Even before we talked, before Alistor’s party and all the shit after that, I wanted to kiss you.” He lifted his eyes to hers then.

“That’s why you were in a weird mood when you picked me up?”

He nodded slowly. “I’d been trying to figure out how to talk to you about—” He waved a hand between them. “—how I felt for you, and it had me twisted up.”

“But why?”

“Because you and I are very different, Keira. We come from different backgrounds, different upbringings.” His expression was serious. “You’re too good for me.”

His words were like icy water poured over her head. “Too good for you?” Her voice sounded monotone. He actually thought that? “Why would you even think that? Because of our families? The money aspect?” She shook her head, not even wanting an actual response from him, because she knew that was exactly what he meant. “I’m not my family's money. I’m not my family's legacy. Black Mountain doesn't define me. I hate the majority of the snobs who go to that damn school.” She took a deep breath. She hated that for one moment he thought he was less than her simply because of social standings. “So, in short, no, I’m not better than you.”

He didn’t say anything, but she could see from his expression that he was… happy.

“You mean all that, don’t you?”

She straightened her spine and nodded. “Yeah, I really do.” He smirked, and she found herself doing the same. “You like me?”

His face sobered, and he nodded before leaning forward and resting his forearms on the table. “Yeah, I really do,” he repeated her words.

She felt tingles settle in the most intimate parts after hearing him say that. “And I like you. That’s all that should matter.” She reached out and took his hand and watched as he lowered his focus to the act. His olive-toned skin was a stark contrast to her pale shade, but his warmth was the same as hers, and when their fingers entwined, it just felt right. “It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks or says. I don’t care, do you?”

He looked up at her and slowly shook his head, his eyes hard. “I never have, and I sure as fuck don’t care if anyone has a problem with you and me.”

Good, because neither do I.

They ate, their conversation easy and light. He asked her things she liked, stuff she didn't. He talked about his plans for after graduation, asked about what hers were. She learned the little things about him, and in turn he learned them about her. It was a perfect night, the perfect start to whatever this was becoming between them.

On the way out, he reached for her hand again, and the tingling intensified. He pulled her in close, her shoulder brushing along his body, the hardness meeting her softness. He helped her into the truck again, and once he was seated beside her with the vehicle started, he shifted so he faced her.

But Keira didn’t want to go home, and by the look on his face, she didn’t think he wanted that either.

“God,” he said hoarsely.

The interior of the truck was small, but right now, it felt tiny, suffocating, as if whatever chemistry bounced between them was sucking out all the oxygen.

“What?” she whispered back.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Keira.”

Her pulse raced. She’d never been called anything but homely, maybe pretty but plain. His face was mere inches from hers, and the mints they’d shared after dinner not only cooled her mouth, but filled her nose as Reese breathed out. It was an aphrodisiac.

“I don’t want to take you home yet.” His eyes dipped to her lips again then lifted back to her eyes.

“I don’t want to go home either.” She felt surprise fill her at the sound that left him after that.

It was low. It was rough. It sounded animalistic.

“Can I show you something?” The sound of his voice, so low and deep, had her nodding.

She would have said yes to just about anything he asked.

And then he leaned in and brushed his lips along hers.

It was the kind of kiss that stole her thoughts, made her body ache, and had her feeling like he was the ocean and she was right in the center of it.


Reese had just snapped, just said fuck it and kissed her. He should have gone slow, taken his time. He should have built up that Copyright 2016 - 2024