She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,25

heart stopped at the first gentle brush of his lips against hers. He intertwined their fingers together, holding her hand tightly. With his other hand, he slid his fingers to the back of her neck and dug the tips against her flesh, holding her tight, keeping her steady as he increased the pressure of the kiss.

She’d never been kissed like this, never felt such raw arousal claim her. Every part of her was on fire, this volcano that was ready to erupt.

At the first swipe of his tongue against her bottom lip, Keira moaned and opened wider for him. His kiss was hot and penetrating, and all he did was drag his tongue along hers, tease and tantalize it until she was chasing it back into his mouth and doing the same. His deep, vibrating groan resonated all the way to her core, sending shockwaves throughout her entire frame.

After long moments, he broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers. “That was…. Christ, Keira. It was everything I fantasized it would be.”

She opened her eyes just as he leaned back. His scent invaded her senses. It was clean and spicy, like soap and everything that was Reese.

“I’ve wanted to do that for so fucking long.” He looked at her lips again, and something in her snapped, just took control and claimed her.

She kissed him.

Hands on his shoulders and nails curling into the hard flesh right beneath the cotton of his shirt, Keira let her lips slide along his and touched her tongue to his. She let her passion for him take control, because she didn’t know what the hell she was doing.

He seemed surprised by her sudden actions at first, but it only took a millisecond for him to pull her closer to him. After a moment, he took control of the kiss. The theater faded away until it was just the two of them again. She wanted to be as close to him as possible so that nothing separated them. There had never been a time when she’d felt that need so strongly. When he pulled away, she noticed his breathing was just as harsh as hers.

“We have to stop or I won’t be able to.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “Not that I give a shit about missing the movie, but I don’t want to do this with you in a public setting.”

His words sent heat through her body and had her pulse racing. Images of what they could be doing alone slammed into her mind, and she felt herself grow even wetter, felt her panties become even more saturated.

She… ached.

And honestly, all she wanted to do was throw caution to the wind, give up the whole good girl persona, and throw herself at Reese in every single dirty way she could think of.


After the movie, Reese took her to a little Italian restaurant, one where they had wine bottles for candleholders and opera singing in the background. The hostess, a girl she recognized from school, eyed them curiously. Keira didn’t miss the way the girl’s gaze kept going to their joined hands.

Girl, I feel you. It’s strange for me too, but in the best way.

Her life had changed in such a short span, and she was riding this wave, because the high was too good to try to stop.

Once they were seated, Reese leaned back in the booth, his focus trained right on her.

After leaving the theater, he held her hand the entire way to the restaurant. Hell, she’d be lying if she could tell anyone what the movie they watched had been about. She’d been floating during the whole thing, feeling his much larger hand engulfing hers, smelling his spicy, intoxicating scent surrounding her, and feeling her lips tingle from the kiss.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked, and she snapped her focus back to the present. “You’re blushing.”

And now she was blushing harder, because he’d pointed it out. “I was thinking about the kiss,” she said honestly, hating that the words slipped from her lips as if she had no filter. Her eyes widened, wishing she could have slapped a hand over her mouth over the fact that she’d actually admitted that.

His smile was slow, and sexy as hell. “I’ve been thinking about kissing you for longer than I’m even going to admit.”

“You have?” She forced herself not to touch her lips, drawing attention to them, feeling how they still felt swollen.

“I have. So much, Keira.” His eyes lowered to her mouth, and Copyright 2016 - 2024