She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,27

moment over a long period of time, but when he’d picked her up tonight, something in him had shifted to the point he knew he wouldn’t be able to control himself. It had his mind fucked, twisted, and his heart beating like a war drum. She’d seen the change in him. That had been clear on her face. And so he’d just done it, pulled her close and kissed her in that theater.

She could have slapped him, maybe should have. But she’d fucking kissed him back, and now his damn blood sang, this strange but powerful possessiveness toward her like a living entity in his body.

He wanted to kiss her again and again… and do so much more. But this wasn't what being with Keira meant for him. He didn’t want to ruin things, because she was special. She was so fucking special to him.

Before he knew what he was doing, he was driving farther toward the outskirts of town. He knew exactly where he wanted to take her, where they could be alone, where they could talk and he could get to know her even better.

The place he had in mind was special to him, a place he’d gone many times, because it was a reprieve from the fucked-up life he led. He’d stumbled upon it by accident one day when he hadn’t wanted to go home so he just drove. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d gone there in the middle of the night, when his father came home drunk off his ass and was looking for a fight.

Those were the times he’d had to draw up all his strength and force himself not to leave town and never look back. He glanced at Keira, the glow from the dashboard illuminating her feminine features. He was glad he stayed, and it was because he shared this moment with her right now.

Reaching out, he took Keira’s hand and saw the small smile that played across her face in his peripheral vision. How one person could affect him as strongly as she did left him confused but so fucking... happy. Shit, when was the last time he’d ever experienced happiness?

He couldn't even remember.

It wasn’t about sex, although he wouldn’t lie and say she didn’t make him crazy aroused. It was about getting to know who she was and hoping he could show her who he really was.

It was about showing her they belonged together.

Whoa, that thought filled his head in a steady beat, refusing to let up. It seemed pretty fucking final, and he gave her hand a squeeze. That was something he’d keep to himself, for right now at least.

But one day, maybe one day soon, he’d tell her that she was his and he wasn’t going to let her go.

As soon as Reese started heading farther to the outskirts of town, Keira knew exactly where he was going. He was going to Angel’s Sin Lake, which was directly fed from Devil’s Bluff Lake. It was at the base of the mountain, and a much smaller version of the main lake in town, but because it butted up against private property, and due to the small size and lack of privacy, no one partied here. That was all done at Devil’s Bluff.

But unless you hiked, the only real way to get to Angel’s Sin was through the road that was on private property, which was owned by an elderly man who had lost his wife a few years back. Because of his reputation for just being miserable and likely shooting first and asking questions later, everyone just stayed away.

Reese pulled the truck onto a narrow dirt road then came to a stop when a rustic, very clearly homemade gate came into view. It was nothing more than a large piece of lumber rigged up to be swung outward to let a vehicle pass. And then of course there was the No Trespassing sign nailed to it.

He cut the engine and glanced at her, smiling.

“What are we doing?” Keira whispered, although it wasn’t like anyone could hear them.

He didn’t speak as he climbed out of the truck. She was still confused on why they were on private property and prayed he wasn’t doing some rebellious streak like trespassing. She was all about letting up the reins on her good girl thing she had going on, but going to jail wasn’t high on her bucket list.

She climbed out before he could open her door then just stood there. The Copyright 2016 - 2024