Time Untime(54)

His gaze turned warm and gentle. "Oh, sweetie, I am definitely that. But I'm also your father."

Yeah, right. Did she look like Luke Skywalker? Uh-uh. No. This was too much. Out of all the other weird things that had happened to her since she woke up, this ... this was the straw that broke it. She refused to believe him. Her father had run off and abandoned her when she'd been a baby. Something her mother had never gotten over.

This was not her father.

Shaking her head in denial, she scampered over Ren's body, to put him between them. Not that he offered much protection while he was unconscious. Still, she felt better with him providing some form of a barrier between her and Captain Weirdo Liar.

The man claiming to be her father took one step forward, then froze as he saw her reaching for Ren's knife. "Kateri, please. I'm not strong enough to fight you and stay here. You have to listen to me. I don't have long and there's much I have to tell you."

She kept her hand on the knife's hilt, but left it in its sheath. "What do you mean?"

"I'm no longer corporeal. I haven't been since I physically vanished from your life-something I did not do voluntarily. I swear. I loved you and your mother. More than anything. If I'd had any choice in the matter, I would never, ever have left you. And I've come to you every time I could. As long as I could." He gestured to Ren. "It's why I sent Makah'Alay to you. Even though we were once enemies, he is the only one I trust now to keep you safe. He's the only one capable of saving you."

"I don't understand."

"I know, baby. It's all confusing." He sighed wearily. "Things did not turn out the way I wanted them to. But then life so seldom cooperates with our plans for it." He took another step toward her. With the greenish light now at his back, she realized he was translucent.

"You're a ghost?"

"In a manner of speaking." Tears filled his eyes as he swallowed hard while staring at her as if he couldn't believe she was here in the cave. "You're so beautiful ... just like your mother. I should never have interfered, but I couldn't help it. The moment I saw your mother, I fell in love with her. No one could resist her smile, least of all me. I knew what I did was wrong and I couldn't stop myself. And you were the sweetest bonus that I never expected."

Her own eyes watered as tears choked her. Was there any truth to what he said? Could there be?

He jerked his chin toward Ren. "Makah'Alay thinks that he needs me to reset the calendar, but I'm not the necessary one. You are. For the first time since the Great Dawn, the Guardian and the Ixkib are united in one person. While they are dormant for now, you have all my powers, as well as all of your mother's and grandmother's, and when the time comes and you need them, they will be there for you. No one has ever been so strong. But you're the one who has to believe that those powers are yours to command. Let no one tell you otherwise. And you, alone, will have the power to designate the new Guardians for the gates. Choose better than I did. I allowed myself to be blinded by hope. You're more pragmatic than I ever was. And you do me prouder than any child has ever done their parent."

His gaze returned to Ren. "While I trust Makah'Alay for now, be cautious, little one. His heart was turned once. It makes it easier for it to be turned again, and having met your mother and being unable to resist her even though I knew I should have, I completely understand him now. And that knowledge scares me. There is still much inside him that is angry and dark. So long as it lives in his heart, he will never be free. And he will never be truly safe. Artemis isn't the only one who owns a piece of him."

Her heart pounded at his words. If she couldn't trust Ren, who could she trust?

And there was still the biggest puzzle of all. "What about the stone everyone wants? Where is it?"

He smiled at her. "You will discover it when the time is right. Your grandmother took care of that for you. Your enemies can't find it. Only you can."

The walls around them began to flicker. Images flashed across them so fast, it was hard to focus on any one. She saw Ren fighting her father. Blood soaked them both as they tried to tear each other apart. It was a brutal, gladiatorial fight.

Her father laughed. "He is the only one who ever defeated me in battle."

She scowled at that. "I thought you won."

He shook his head. "No. By all rights, he had won the fight and defeated me, but I tricked him at the end. Like everyone else in his life, I lied to him and used his insecurity against him so that he faltered and defeated himself. That is his only weakness, and it's the one you can use should you need to kill him."

That thought horrified her. "Kill him?"

Her father gestured to the wall on his left.

The scenes flared bright. And then, larger than all the others, was an image of Ren staring straight at her. The wind blew his long black hair around his shoulders and handsome face. He was dressed in a light brown buckskin suit that was decorated with elaborate red and black embroidery. The fur of a jaguar hung over his shoulders and was secured to his suit by two ornate brooches. Like her father, he had three feathers in his hair, only his fell from his left temple. Two black and one white. He wore a red stone in the shape of a teardrop from a leather cord around his neck. It was reminiscent of a drop of blood.

In his right hand was an ornately carved black bow and in his right was a pure white arrow. But it was his eyes that pierced her. One was as blue as a perfect summer sky and the other was as red as blood. They seared her with his anger and hatred.

Kill the jaguar. That voice was demonic and cruel as it directed Ren.

He nocked the arrow and aimed it straight for her heart.

Her father started to fade. "If the Grizzly takes him over again, you will have to kill him, Kateri. You are the only one who can. Kill him. Stab his heart and he will be no more. If you don't, he will destroy the world of man, and he will kill you. Remember that I love you, daughter. Always."

Then her father was gone completely.

Ren's image stayed on the wall with that one red eye glaring at her. "You will not weaken me!" he snarled, then he let loose his arrow.