Time Untime(52)

"Um ... b-b-back here."

Fuck! The sound of that damn stutter iced every hormone in his body. Why did he have to do that with her? Why?

Hating himself and with his fury riding him hard, he started away.

But she caught his jaw in her hand and gently turned his face until their gazes met. The warmth of her hand scalded his flesh, but it was the sincere concern in her gaze that set him on fire.

"Ren ... Did you know that Winston Churchill, the greatest orator of all time and one of the greatest leaders in the world, had a speech impediment? All of us botch our words from time to time. And honestly, I'd much rather stammer than put my foot in my mouth, and I've done more than my fair share of that. You have no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed for a biological misfire you can't help. It's not an indictment on your intelligence, but it is on the humanity and decency of anyone cruel enough to mock you for it. Besides, I think it's adorable."

Those words, combined with her touch and the look on her beautiful face, shattered every piece of resistance he had where she was concerned. In all his life, no one had ever made him feel like she did right now.

Normal. Whole.


There was no disdain or mockery. No judgment. She stared up at him the same way the Butterfly had looked at his friend Buffalo.

Like he meant something to her.

Before he could stop himself, he dipped his head down to taste her lips.

Kateri couldn't breathe as Ren kissed her with a passion the likes of which she'd never experienced. He sank his hands in her hair and explored every inch of her mouth with a hunger that set her on fire. It was as if she was the air he needed to live. Her head reeled from it and it made her so weak, she surrendered her weight to him.

When he finally pulled back, he still didn't release her. Rather, he buried his face against the crook of her neck and held her there as if savoring her very essence.

"You're not going to bite me with your fangs, are you?"

Ren blinked as those words registered past the daze that had claimed him. "No," he breathed. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

She gave him a smile that played havoc with every part of his body. "Don't apologize. That was one heck of a kiss. But if you're through, you might want to put me back on my feet."

He felt heat scalding his face again as he realized that during their kiss he had picked her up entirely. Her feet were several inches above the ground.

But in spite of his embarrassment, he slid her down the front of his body, savoring her curves against his chest. Too bad they were both clothed. It would have been infinitely more enjoyable had they both been naked.

Kateri watched the play of emotions cross his face. He would most likely die if he knew how transparent he was to her right then. How vulnerable. This wasn't the face of the warrior who had fearlessly fought demons.

This was the face of a man more used to rejection than acceptance. One who was still waiting for her to say something nasty to him.

"Just so you know, Ren, I think you're wonderful."

Ren scowled at her. "For what?"

He truly didn't know....

It amazed her that anyone could be so handsome and strong, kind and giving, and not have a clue about how superlative they really were.

"For protecting me. For your gift, and for that amazing kiss. And if you want to conjure me up a burger, I'll consider you the greatest human of all time."

To her complete shock, he laughed. "You want fries with that?"

"Sure. And a big old thick chocolate shake." Yeah, that very thought made her stomach rumble.

He took her hand and led her deep into the cave.

She slowed as the darkness completely enveloped them. "I can't see anything."

A green light flared instantly. Ren handed her a small glowstick he must have conjured like he'd done her bow. "That unfortunately is about the last thing I can do right now. Sorry." He sank down on the floor as if he was too weak to take one more step.