Time Untime(55)

Kateri ducked instinctively. But it was just an illusion. No part of it was real.


Except for the man who slept beside her. Her hand trembling, she brushed the hair back from his battered face. So he really was the Makah'Alay she'd seen in her visions and dreams. How weird to know him so well and yet not know him at all. To have someone from her dreams here in the flesh ...


That was also the name of a demon her grandmother had told her about when she was a little girl. He is evil to the core of his soul. Those who see him, die by his hand. Always. He takes pity on none and can control the raven mockers. Fear him, Waleli. Pray you never meet him. And if you do, run with everything you have.

Could he be the same creature her grandmother had warned her about?

Swallowing hard, she ran her hand over his sculpted jaw where only a few whiskers were there to tease her skin. Asleep like this, he looked more boyish than threatening. More human. But awake, he could be terrifying and overwhelming.

And with that thought came another image of him with both eyes so red, they glowed. He stood with his legs apart and body tensed as if about to battle an unseen enemy.

"What did you do to make them all fear you so?" Why had he done it?

Kateri sighed as she tried to sort through information that came at her so fast, she felt like she was in the middle of cramming for finals. If she learned one more thing, her brain was going to shut down in revolt and leave her a drooling vegetable on the floor.

Needing a minute to clear her head, she stretched out by Ren's side. But it wasn't comfortable. The hard, earthen floor was cold and gritty. In fact, it said it all about how much he needed sleep that he could be out so soundly on something so miserable.

Ugh, this is not going to work. She tried everything she could think of, twisted into every position. She put her arm under her head, then took it out.


Until she slid her gaze to Ren's lush body. Yeah, that was the only thing in this dismal place that looked appealing. Desirable ...


Don't do it. He's bleeding.

True, but there were areas of his body that weren't blood-soaked. Areas that were ...

Comfy-looking. Before she could stop herself, she rolled him over, onto his back, then scooted closer so that she could use him for a pillow.

Oh yeah, much better.

And in the next second, she took a deep breath, then was out cold.

* * *

Ren came awake slowly. His body was still aching. Damn it. He felt like someone had beat the hell out of him, which they had. Literally. Or more appropriately, he'd beat the hell out of the demon.

I should have beat the bastard harder....

Wincing from the pain of his ribs and back, he opened his eyes, then froze at the last thing he expected to see.

Kateri was snuggled up against him with her head on his shoulder. Her left hand rested in the center of his chest while her breath tickled the flesh of his neck.

His body hardened so fast and furiously that he sucked his breath in sharply. Against his best efforts, an image of her naked and writhing, and in his arms, went through him. He could just imagine her running her hands over his back while he made love to her.

That did nothing to help his discomfort.

Or his mood.

He tried to think of something unpleasant. His father. His brother. Grizzly ...

Smelly socks.