
Estes laughed. "Little stallion, you already have. Many times and in many ways, and you will do so again many more. Now open your mouth."

Styxx refused.

"Suit yourself. But do be careful. Should the erotiki sfaira in your tongue strike your teeth, it will break them."

No ...

Styxx rubbed his tongue against the roof of his mouth and then froze in horror. It was true. He did have one.

Estes winked at him. "You're not quite as accomplished at using it as Acheron, since he's had a lot more experience, but you came a long way fast.... Now, would you like me to remove it?"

Styxx opened his mouth immediately.

Laughing, Estes took it out then held it up with a smile. "I shall keep this as a memento of our sweet time together, and in hopes that one day you will be stupid enough to return here." He released Styxx's right arm. "Now ready yourself to leave while I try to find an escort that will take you home without riding you every step of the way. And don't worry if they do-I'll send some herbs with you that will help with any pain they cause." Then he was gone.

Stunned to the core of his being, Styxx lay there, trying to absorb everything Estes had said. To come to terms with what had been done to him without his consent or knowledge.

Things he had no recollection of at all ...

After a few minutes, he got up and went to bathe. The fact that he knew instinctively where to go added validity to everything Estes had told him.

In the bathing room, which had mirrors lining all four walls, he froze at the sight of himself. His hair was longer and he had a light dusting of whiskers on his chin and cheeks. Yet what filled him with complete consternation were the marks all over his body. Not just the brand that was still raw and bleeding, but dozens of bruises, scratches, and bite marks. He could see where someone had suckled different parts of him, and in some places, such as his thighs and arms, there were complete handprints.

And he had no memory of any of it. Not a single glimmer.

Part of him was grateful for that. Yet at the same time it was the most disconcerting thing imaginable. To know that you had been violated and used and to know nothing of the people who had done it to you.

Not entirely true. He knew Estes ...

Covering his face with his hands, he wanted to scream from the horror of it.

At least Acheron doesn't remember. Unlike Styxx, his brother would never know what had happened to them. What they'd been forced to do.

It's all my fault. All of it. Had he just stayed home, like Estes had said, it wouldn't have happened. He should have worried about his own ass more than Acheron's.

I won't ever make this mistake again. He'd come to help his brother and Acheron had handed him over to their uncle. It was a lesson he wouldn't forget. Ever.

He would never forgive Acheron for that. How could he? Given how twisted Estes was, it was the worst sort of betrayal.

Styxx looked down at the words branded on his groin and rage filled him anew. While Acheron was marked with a general slave symbol, he didn't have "whore" written on his body.

In two languages.

If anyone ever saw it, it'd be worse than having them ask about the scars the priests had given him. They would know Styxx had been whored....

No. Trained and then whored.

Consumed with hate and fury, Styxx picked up the stool next to him and slammed it up against the glass, shattering it. Bellowing with the weight of his humiliation, he pounded the wall until he was spent and too tired to continue.

Surrounded by broken glass, he sank to his knees and raked his hands through his hair. How could he ever face his father? Or anyone else knowing what'd been done to him?

Acheron was right ...

For all his title and worldly position, Styxx was powerless.

October 28, 9533 BC

Styxx's hands shook as they rode through the gates of his father's palace grounds. He found no joy at his homecoming. Just an awful sense of dread and desolation. But at least now he'd be free of his uncle's men, who'd proven to be every bit as depraved as the bastard they served.