
As they neared the palace, he looked up to see his father, Ryssa, and their servants gathered to welcome him back. The musicians started their fanfare.

It took every ounce of his will not to jerk his horse around and spur it into a dead run to get as far away from here as he could. He couldn't imagine what punishment his father would give him for leaving without notice. He could already hear the rant in his head.

Is that your answer to your problems, boy? To run away like a coward? To abandon your kingdom because you didn't feel well, et cetera, et cetera.

He'd be lucky if he didn't get slapped on the stairs in front of everyone.

Dismounting, Styxx took a deep breath and forced himself to climb the steps to where his father waited. He'd only taken two of them before his father came rushing down them to grab him into a fierce embrace. He cradled the back of Styxx's head in his great paw of a hand and held him as if he were a small child.

"I have missed you, boy," he breathed before pulling back to place a kiss to each of Styxx's cheeks. "No, not boy." He put his hands on Styxx's shoulders and smiled at him. "You're a man and I mustn't forget that."

Who are you and what in the name of Hades have you done with my father?

Terrified, Styxx glanced around, but no one else seemed to think this odd.

His father pulled him back into his arms and held him there for a full minute before he kissed his head and released him. "How was your trip?"

I'd have rather journeyed through Tartarus with scorpions strapped to my groin.


"You look as if you've grown again. I swear you're taller every day. Let me know if your armor doesn't fit and I'll have more made immediately."

You're fucking with me, aren't you, old man? We're going to go inside the palace and then you'll slap the shit out of me.

Taking his arm, his father led him to Ryssa, who greeted him with her usual snotty aloofness.

At least someone hasn't been partaking of lotos.

She lightly kissed each of his cheeks. "I want you to know that you almost killed your father with worry. Until he received Uncle's letter, he thought you kidnapped or worse."

"Ryssa!" his father snapped. "Mind your place, woman."

"I am minding my place, Father. He should know what he put you through with his thoughtless selfishness. It's time he learned to think of someone other than himself."

"Bah, pay her no heed. She's a woman. She doesn't understand the needs of men. Come, Styxx, I have the wine warmed and fresh bread and cheeses for you. I'm anxious to hear how things are with Estes and Atlantis."

Styxx felt his sister's glare on him the whole way up. And he also noticed the one person who wasn't there. "How's Mother?"

His father sighed heavily. "Ever the same. Lost in her cups."

And hating them all with every sip she took. Except for Ryssa, who could never do wrong.

As they entered the dining room, his father released him so that he could take a seat while the servants brought them refreshments.

This messed with his mind even more than what Estes had done to him. "Father? May I ask something?"


Styxx indicated the mini banquet that was set out. "What is all this? I was expecting your anger and censor." The back of your hand across my mouth ...

"To be honest, I am angry. Furious, point of fact. But when your uncle wrote to me, he reminded me of a few things."

His stomach drew tight with dread. "Such as?"

"That at your age, I was married and expecting my first child."

Both his father's wife and child had died during the birth. He'd married Styxx's mother a year later.