
Styxx quickly looked away as bile rose high in his throat.

"Acheron? Let us show the prince what you can do with your jewelry."

Styxx slammed his eyes shut as Acheron rose up on his knees and leaned over his uncle's chair. He didn't want to see this. But he couldn't close his ears while his brother pleasured his uncle.

"Stop!" Styxx roared as he fought against the ropes that held him tight.

But neither took mercy on him, nor did they stop until Estes was fully sated.

His uncle drew a ragged breath then laughed as he stroked Acheron's hair like the fur of a beloved pet. "How I've missed that sweet mouth of yours, Acheron. I'll raise the price on you come the morrow. While you're well used for your tender age, you are also far more talented than any I know. Now go ... prepare yourself for your next patron."

Without a single word or any protest, Acheron rose and obeyed.

Horrified, Styxx tried his best to blot all of this out. Why had he even tried to save Acheron from this? His brother seemed so content and receptive. How, he had no idea. He'd rather be dead than submit to such an animal as Estes or live such a life.

Getting up, Estes moved to stand by his side. He grabbed Styxx's jaw in a fierce grip. "Look at me, boy!"

He opened his eyes.

"I know what you're thinking. You would never stand to be treated thus. You'd fight until you died. After all, you defeated me when we fought in the arena. You could defeat me again. But I think I shall teach you a few things just so you know exactly how powerful you really aren't." He tightened his grip so that his fingers bit into Styxx's jaw. "First, when you won against me, it was in a fair fight with rules of combat. In real life and war, there's no such thing and I never fight fair. But I will give you a chance. You make it from here to the front door and I will free both of you. I'll even do better than that. I'll give the two of you an escort with fanfare home to your father's loving arms. All you have to do is make it to the front door." He cut the ropes holding Styxx.

Knowing it was a trick, but with no idea how, Styxx bolted for the door. The damned thing was locked. He fumbled with the latch. Before he could free it, Estes grabbed him.

Styxx elbowed him in the stomach.

Estes lifted him from the waist and threw him on the ground. Rolling, Styxx shot to his feet and tried to reach the sword that was on Estes's wall. Estes caught him at the waist again and wrapped his entire body around Styxx's. They fell to the floor. Styxx did his best to break the hold, but it was impossible.

Worse, in this position, he could feel Estes's hard erection against his hipbone.

His uncle pressed his hand to Styxx's neck, just under his jaw. He choked as his breathing was cut off. His ears buzzed.

And as he passed out, he felt his uncle lick his throat. "You think you were fucked before, little squirrel? You're about to learn lesson two."

October 22, 9533 BC

His head reeling and his body aching as if he'd been run over by stampeding horses, Styxx came awake to find himself facedown on a bed with black sheets. There was a huge fire roaring just across from him along with four braziers. He started to move then realized his arms and legs were secured to the bedposts by the same kind of gold rings Acheron had worn.

He now had an identical set of bands on his wrists, ankles, biceps, and neck.

Furious, he snatched as hard as he could.

"Stop before you hurt yourself."

He glared at Estes as his uncle neared the bed with a small tray. Setting it down beside Styxx's hips, he slid onto the mattress.

Styxx tried to insult him, but he had a gag in his mouth that prevented it.

Estes poured a thick milky liquid onto his fingertips. Once they were well coated, he slid them into Styxx's rectum.

Styxx screamed out in protest.

"Stop!" Estes snapped again. "I'm trying to teach you how to tend yourself on your way home. Believe me, you're going to want the numbing gel, especially since you'll be riding a horse for the next week, and probably a few other things, too."

Styxx ground his teeth as tears of frustration and shame welled in his eyes. As much as he hated to admit it, the cool, soothing gel did feel good, and it went a long way to making that part of his body not burn and throb anymore.

"That's it, my royal stallion. Relax." Estes pulled his hand away then added more gel before he reapplied it to Styxx. "You want to make sure you coat yourself well."

Next, Estes reached for the red clay pot. He pulled out a small rod and met Styxx's angry glare. "This is called a suppository. It's for the pain you're in."