
"You can't."

Gods, what had they done to him that he'd be so frightened he shivered at the mere thought of having freedom?

Styxx tried to make sense of Acheron's rushing thoughts, but he wasn't thinking in a single language. Rather in about nine of them, only four of which Styxx was truly fluent with. He also used words Styxx wasn't sure about, but he had an inkling they had to do with sex.

"Listen to me!" he said, cupping Acheron's face again. His brother refused to look at him. "Estes isn't here. I've ridden day and night, only stopping to change out horses, to make sure I'd beat him back so that I could help you. I didn't know what he was doing to you, little brother. But now that I do, I swear to you that I will keep you safe."

"You can't."

"Why won't you believe me?"

This time Acheron did meet his gaze, and the abject shame, misery, and pain in his brother's eyes stole his breath. "Because you are me and I couldn't stop them."

"You were a baby."

Acheron shook his head. "You don't know ... you don't know."

"Know what?"

A moment later, Styxx sucked his breath in sharply as Acheron's thoughts spun even faster and with so much emotion they pierced his skull with pain. What in the name of Hades? "Acheron, calm yourself. Where are your clothes?"

"I have none."

Of course he didn't. Why would he? A tsoulus wouldn't need any for his duties.

Styxx removed his cloak and wrapped it around Acheron. Once they were away, he'd buy something for Acheron to wear. The important thing right now was to get him out of here before a guard or servant heard them.

He pulled his brother from the bed, but it was hard to get him across the floor. Acheron fought him every step of the way to the point Styxx was ready to hit him for it.

He's afraid.

And I'm not?

If they were caught ... he didn't want to think about the consequences. Frustrated and angry, Styxx slammed his brother against the wall. "Damn it all, Acheron. Stop this! I'm taking you from here. Stop fighting me."

Acheron glared at him with so much hatred it cut through him. "You think you can control things because you're a prince. But you don't control shit!"

"What I think is I'm putting my ass on the line for you, brother, and you're being stupid. I'm well aware of what's at stake ... for both of us. But we can't live like this. Not me and definitely not you."


Both of them froze at Estes's loud bellow.

Crap! How had the bastard returned so fast?

Because it'd taken two days for Styxx to recover enough to ride. He should have factored that in. More than that, his uncle must have rushed to get back to Acheron.

His brother started to go to Estes.

Styxx grabbed his shoulders and stopped him. "We have to leave. Now! Is there another way out of here?" It was only then that he realized there were no windows for this room.

Before Styxx could move, Acheron shouted. "In here, Idikos!"

"Why would you do that to your own brother?"

Acheron gave him a cold, hard stare. "I have no brother. My brother sold me to this."

I protect myself....