
"I will teach you how to love them."

Tears filled his eyes at her words. He didn't doubt her abilities. If anyone could convert him, it was she. After all, he wouldn't have known any kind of love had she not tamed him with her gentle heart and touch.

For that, he was willing to forgive the bastards who'd cursed him.

Just don't take her from me....

That would begin an even greater war than the one he was returning from.

October 31, 9530 BC

Styxx froze as he came face-to-face with Acheron as they both left the open, public gymnasium. His brother wore a dark gray chiton and blue cloak-something that would have Acheron beaten if seen. All prostitutes were required to wear a specific red chiton whenever they were in public.

But Styxx would never tell.

He was glad Acheron looked a good deal healthier than he'd appeared the last time they'd met. And the irony that both of them were here this day, pretending to be someone they weren't while doing the same exact thing, wasn't lost on him.

They were twins, after all.

For a moment, he thought Acheron would speak to him.

He didn't. Instead, he pulled his cowl down lower over his face and made his way out of the amphitheater.

A part of Styxx wanted to chase after him, but what was the use? Really? Time and bitterness divided them.

They had both said and done things to each other that were unforgivable.

And yet ...

He missed his brother. Dearly. Those stolen moments of friendship when they'd played together and laughed. He would give anything if he could go back to that time when the world hadn't been quite so cold and harsh. Back to when he hadn't been what he was now.

Although, anymore, he wasn't quite sure what he was.

Other than lost.

His soldiers treated him like some mythical hero. His father and the senate like some overindulged brat who should be spanked. His sister like he was a demon sent to torment her. And in his heart, he knew he was a killer....

And a whore.

Like his brother.

Only Bethany made him feel noble and cherished. But that would change instantly if she ever learned the truth of his identity or what Apollo had forced on him against his will. Then she would hate him forever for the lie he'd told her to protect himself.

Galen alone treated him like a son. But he hadn't seen his old mentor since their return. Before Galen had even dismounted, Styxx had sent him on to be with his family-had ordered him to take at least three months with them before he even considered returning to town.

Honestly, Styxx envied Galen's daughter and grandchildren. He hoped they knew what a rare gift it was to be cherished by Galen the way they were, and that they never took the old man's love for granted.


Styxx paused as he heard a familiar voice. Frowning, he turned to see Dorus in the crowd.

The nobleman headed straight for him and gave a curt bow. Dorus glanced around as if seeking Styxx's ever-present guards, but said nothing when he didn't find them at their usual post. Having grown tired of his every belch being reported to his father while their thoughts insulted everything about him, Styxx had slipped out of the palace to be alone for awhile.

"I haven't seen you since your return, Highness. Welcome home."

"Thank you, Dorus."

"I've heard great things of your victories. My father said that you were headed for the Atlantean mainland when you were recalled."