
"We were."

"It must have been incredible to fight so many victorious battles. Exciting."

More like bloody and terrifying. Haunting. Grueling. A thousand adjectives came to his mind, none of them good.

But Dorus didn't want to hear the truth any more than Styxx wanted to remember it. "I heard they elected you to the senate. Congratulations."

"They did. At one-and-twenty, I'm one of the youngest members."

Styxx felt so disconnected from Dorus and the other noblemen his age. Unlike the king, their fathers wouldn't send them to war for at least two more years. For that matter, all his experiences were so radically different from theirs and from what they believed his to be that it was hard to converse with any of them.

But at least Dorus tried. Best of all, Styxx never heard his thoughts. And for that, he was eternally grateful.

Dorus, Galen, and Bethany were the only ones who didn't bombard him whenever they were around. Every once in a while, he might overhear something, but overall, their thoughts were blissfully hidden and silent.

"Did you know there's a new brothel that opened near Catera's? They have some of the most exotic beauties they've imported...."

Forcing himself not to grimace at something he found utterly revolting, Styxx held his hand up. "I'm not interested."

Dorus laughed. "I understand. A prince never has to pay for sex. I imagine any woman is yours for the taking."

Yeah ...

If only I lived the life everyone thought I did.... He might actually be happy.

Unable to stomach any more of this conversation, Styxx inclined his head. "Pardon me, Dorus, I have an appointment to keep. I hope you don't mind."

As Styxx started past him, he felt a strange sensation over his skin.

One he'd only felt on the battlefield ... like something powerful was watching him. Slowing down, he glanced around for the source of it. But nothing was there.

Putting it out of his mind, he headed back to the palace.

* * *

"What are you doing with Styxx?"

Apollo glanced up from the lyre he was tuning to see Athena in his temple, heading straight for him with more venom than a cobra nest. "I haven't seen the irritable bitch, why?"

"Not the goddess, you moron. The prince of Didymos."

Apollo strummed a note. "Ever wonder what his father was thinking when he allowed you to name his son for the River of Hatred? For a Titan bitch so cruel that none of us will even consider crossing her?"

"What has this to do with anything?"

He shrugged. "I thought we were talking about things that don't matter."

With her hands on her hips, Athena stopped in front of him. "I'm serious, Apollo. He is my champion. Why are you-"

"Fucking him?"

Athena snatched the lyre from his hands and had to grip it hard to keep from bashing him against the head with it. "Don't push me, brother. I'm not that fond of you, and unlike your twin sister, I don't fear you."

"What I do or don't do with the prince is no concern of yours. Why do you care anyway?"

Because I can't stand what was done to an innocent boy who should have been coddled and loved. Not cast into the harsh existence he has because you and your Atlantean conspirators screwed with his life.

Unfortunately, she couldn't say that. "There are plenty of mortals for you to pick from. Leave mine alone."